Published at : 28 Jun 2023
Volume : IJtech
Vol 14, No 4 (2023)
Bambang Guruh Irianto | Departement of Electromedical Enginering, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Surabaya, Jalan Pucang Jajar Tengah No.56, Surabaya 60282, Indonesia |
Anita Miftahul Maghfiroh | Departement of Electromedical Enginering, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Surabaya, Jalan Pucang Jajar Tengah No.56, Surabaya 60282, Indonesia |
Moh Sofie | STIKES Semarang, Jalan kolonel warsito sugiarto km 2,5 Sadeng GunungPati, Semarang 50222, Indonesia |
Abd Kholiq | Departement of Electromedical Enginering, Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Surabaya, Jalan Pucang Jajar Tengah No.56, Surabaya 60282, Indonesia |
Factors causing premature infant mortality include
the lack of simple care and inadequate equipment such as a baby incubator.
Premature babies are very susceptible to heart disorders, including congenital
heart defects. Congenital heart defects can cause a fetus to be born
prematurely. The current research related to this matter was further conducted,
aiming to develop a baby incubator with an overshoot reduction system
specifically for babies with heart defects that can be monitored remotely using
an IoT system. In this study, the AHT 10 sensor was used for room temperature
sensing in the baby incubator. Temperature control was achieved using a
closed-loop PID system. In this case, the monitoring of the baby's heart rate
employed leads II to tap the heart's electrical signal. Data transmission
consisted of temperature readings, ECG signals, and heart rate. The microdata
was processed into digital data, which were then sent via the Raspberry Pi,
then sent via the internet to access the cloud firebase. After that, the
firebase data were downloaded from an Android system. The performance results
showed that in the temperature test, the error value was below 5%, and the PID
control made can reduce the overshoot temperature by no more than 5%. In addition,
it was also determined that the steady-state error value was 2%. T-Test
statistical test on the ECG signal further obtained a p-value > 0.05.
Furthermore, the data transmission test using IoT did not find data loss when
sending the data, and the minimum speed required for data transmission was 5
kbps. This research further implied that the user or the patient's family could
easily monitor the baby's development anywhere and anytime.
Baby incubator; ECG signal; Heart rate; IoT; Temperature
2.1. System Design and System Control
Figure 1 The design of baby incubator. The input ECG
signal is amplified by an instrument amplifier circuit so that it can be read
by the microcontroller, the instrument output is filtered with HPF and LPF
filters with a bandwidth frequency of 0.05 Hz-100Hz. The signal output will be
displayed on the LCD display and sent via android
block diagram of the PID control is described in Figure 2. In this case,
monitoring the baby's heart rate used lead II as the heart's electrical signal
tapping (Utomo, Nuryani, and Darmanto, 2017). The electrode output
from lead II was amplified with an instrument amplifier with a gain of 100
times to eliminate noise interference or other artifacts. A filter was made
according to the heart signal frequency, namely 0.05Hz-100Hz. The
microcontroller output in the form of an electrocardiogram signal and the room
temperature of the baby incubator sent via Resbery Pi from Resbery Pi will be
received by the web server using a firebase. Furthermore, the data were sent to
the Android phone. In this case, the Android display used the MIT App
application, which must be installed first on a cellphone with an android
Figure 2 The
design of PID control, setting the temperature as an input to
the microcontroller then a closed loop system is used in this method to control
the room temperature on the baby incubator by using the AHT10 sensor to sense
the room
The PID control is based on Equation 1 and Equation
2 (Ang, Chong, and Li, 2005):
Where CD(s)
is the response to disturbance, D(s) is the interference effect test.
4 Temperature test using the Incu Analyzer type INCU 2 Brand Fluke, with
five temperature parameters namely T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 which are placed as
shown in the picture