Forthcoming Articles

To increase the observability and transparency of our publishing process, all accepted articles which meet the publication requirements (including completing APC payments) are listed here before they are published in the designated issue.

To be published at Vol. 16 No. 3, 2025

  1. Comprehensive LoRa Based IoT Real-time Soil Monitoring for Oil Palm Plantation

    Authors: Aznida Abu Bakar Sajak, Nur Fatihah Mohd Shukor, Mohd Sallehin bin Kassim, Siti Rahmah Rahman
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i3.5139
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  2. Understanding a Smart Sustainable City Theme: A Case of Urban Innovation Performance in Bandung City, Indonesia 

    Authors: Ridwan Sutriadi, Davin Azhari Hadicahyono, Naya Cinantya Drestalita, Nurullah Budisiswanto
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i3.5531
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  3. The Potential of Flavonoid from Strobilanthes crispus L. Against MabA, inhA, and MtPknG Proteins in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Using a Molecular Docking Approach

    Authors: Rita Arbianti, Linatri Purwati Latifah, Tania Surya Utami, Ibnu Maulana Hidayatullah, Fatimah Azizah Riyadi, Yuswan Muharam
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i3.5620
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  4. Nano-Encapsulated PEG 1000 and Paraffin Composite as Phase Change Material for Thermal Comfort Enhancement

    Authors: Toni Subagja, Damar Rastri Adhika, Ridho Kurniawan, Arjun Sumarlan, Nugraha, Vienna Saraswaty
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i3.5749
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  5. The Bibliometric Analysis of 3D Printer Research Development and Opportunities in Indonesia

    Authors: Hasan Mastrisiswadi, Muhammad Kusumawan Herliansyah, Wangi Pandan Sari, Alva Edy Tontowi, Herianto Herianto
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i3.6059
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  6. Proself or Prosocial? The Indonesian Academics Motive to Commercializing University Research

    Authors: Nurul Safitri, Martani Huseini, Retno Kusumastuti
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i3.6104
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  7. Micro-carbon synthesis from pine resin using spray pyrolysis and its application as mask coating materials: the effect of pyrolysis gas flow rate, solid to solvent ratio, and pyrolysis temperature

    Authors: Jayadi Jayadi, Wahyu B. Widayatno, Agus S. Wismogroho, Marga A. J. Mulya, Akhiruddin Maddu, Yessie Widya Sari
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i3.6252
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  8. Effect of Filament Materials (Tungsten, Lanthanum Hexaboride) in 250 keV/1 mA Electron Beam Machines on Empirical Capacity of RVNRL

    Authors: Suhadah Rabi'atul Adabiah, Darsono Darsono, Herry Poernomo, Suprapto Suprapto, Djoko Slamet Pudjorahardjo, Samin Samin, Kris Tri Basuki
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i3.6475
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  9. Smart Campus Applications: A Literature Review on Operations Research and Big Data

    Authors: Ivan K. Singgih, Aditya R. Prabowo, Stefanus Soegiharto, Moses Laksono Singgih, Fajar Pitarsi Dharma
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i3.6803
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  10. Development and Characterization of Biomass-Based Biocarbon Fillers for Natural Rubber Composites

    Authors: Adi Cifriadi, Purwantiningsih Sugita, Agus Sukarto Wismogroho, Tetty Kemala, Siti Nikmatin, Wahyu Bambang Widayatno, Muhamad Ikhlasul Amal, Jayadi, Cherly Firdharini, Norma A. Kinasih
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i3.6809
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  11. Enhancement of Asphalt Resilience through Functionalization of Natural Rubber with Glycidyl Methacrylate, Maleic Anhydride, and Divinylbenzene

    Authors: Nanang Rahmat Wijaya, Tamrin Tamrin, Eddiyanto Eddiyanto, Joddy Arya Laksmono, Ahmad Hafizullah Ritonga
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i3.6816
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  12. Real Estate Appraisal Performance Improvement by Adapting the Hybrid GWR XGBoost Model in the Context of Al Bireh City, Palestine

    Authors: jamal numan, Izham Yusoff
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i3.7196
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  13. A Privacy-Preserving Data Uploading Scheme (PriDUS) Based on Threshold Secret Sharing Algorithm for Internet of Vehicles 

    Authors: Zheng Jiang, Fang-Fang Chua, Amy Hui-Lan Lim
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i3.7260
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.

To be published at Vol. 16 No. 4, 2025

  1. Traceability System Design of Halal and Qualified Beef During Distribution Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in Malang City Indonesia

    Authors: Sucipto Sucipto, Bella Eka Syahputri, Aunur Rofiq Mulyarto, Herman Tolle
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i4.5984
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  2. Build Operational Performance Matrix to Identify Product Survivability Using Throughput Accounting Principles

    Authors: Alain Widjanarko, Ade Supriatna
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i4.6437
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  3. Diffusivity Coefficient of Shogaol Degradation to be a Paradol in Reactive Extraction of Ginger Dregs through Subcritical Water 

    Authors: Mohamad Endy Yulianto, Bakti Jos, Budiyono Budiyono
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i4.6512
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  4. Target Strength of Eel from Echosounder and Calibrated Fish Finder Using Acoustic Measurement and Numerical Model

    Authors: Angga Dwinovantyo, Triyanto Triyanto, Endra Triwisesa, Octavianto Samir, Gadis Sri Haryani, Hendro Wibowo, Hidayat Hidayat, Fachmijany Sulawesty, Eva Nafisyah, Lukman Lukman, Fauzan Ali, Foni Agus Setiawan
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i4.6525
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  5. Characteristics of Diamond-Like Carbon Films on AISI D2 Using a Gas Mixture of Argon and LPG

    Authors: Indah Uswatun Hasanah, Dedi Priadi, Donanta Dhaneswara, Emmy Mulyani, Suprapto, Tjipto Sujitno
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i4.6591
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  6. Preparation and Characterization of Activated Carbon from Cavendish Banana (Musa acuminata) Peel for Ferric Ions Removal 

    Authors: Restu Kartiko Widi, Emma Savitri, Emma Savitri, Priscilla Eveline Danatha, Verina Dione Nanlohy
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i4.6664
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  7. Enhancing Viability of Probiotic by Microencapsulation: a Case Study in Ice Cream

    Authors: Dian Shofinita, Ardiyan Harimawan, Nicolaus Almaishya, Aurelia Dewi, Amarthya Achmadi, Jason Thamleonard
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i4.6886
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  8. Effect of Wetting-Drying Cycles on Swelling-Shrinkage Behavior and Microstructures of Tropical Residual Expansive Soil

    Authors: Christy Anandha Putri, Widjojo Prakoso, Wiwik Rahayu, Dr. Agustino Zulys
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i4.7005
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  9. Examining Physicians’ Acceptance towards Telemedicine: The Role of Task-Technology Fit and Convenience Value

    Authors: Fadhilah Dian Utami , Rajesri Govindaraju
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i4.7033
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  10. Chi Square Oversampling to Improve Dropout Prediction Performance in Massive Open Online Courses

    Authors: Liliana Liliana, Paulus Insap Santosa, Rudy Hartanto, Sri Suning Kusumawardani
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i4.7047
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  11. Clustering Narrow-Domain Scientific Text using Unsupervised and Similarity-based Approach

    Authors: Saiful Akbar, Anindya Prameswari Ekaputri, William Fu, Rahmah Khoirussyifa’ Nurdini, Salman Ma’arif Achsien, Benhard Sitohang
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i4.7110
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.

To be published at Vol. 16 No. 5, 2025

  1. Ridership Optimization Model of Transit-Oriented Development in Jakarta

    Authors: Karina , Jachrizal Sumabrata, Mohammed Ali Berawi
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i5.6522
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  2. Mental Workload: A Review of the Definition and Measurement

    Authors: Ridwan Aji Budi Prasetyo, Hardianto Iridiastadi, MSIE., Ph.D, CPE
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i5.7072
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  3. Reduction of Leakage Inductance Using Interleaved Winding Technique in High-Frequency Toroidal Transformers

    Authors: Dody Yunus Putra Siregar, Wijono, Muhammad Aziz Muslim
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i5.7194
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  4. Design of a Prediction Model for Sugarcane Yield and Productivity

    Authors: Napthaleni Napthaleni, Muhammad Asrol
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i5.7233
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  5. A Robust SQP Optimization Technique for PID Controller of Boost Converter in BLDC Motor Considering Renewable Energy Sources

    Authors: Eki Rovianto, Bhre Wangsa Lenggana, Khairunnisa, Luki Septya Mahendra, Ari Prasetyo, Catur Harsito
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i5.7269
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.
  6. Cost-Saving Strategy Employing Value Engineering Analysis on Basement Construction Work

    Authors: M. Fanshurullah Asa, Syahreza Iskandar, Saipol Bari Bin Abd Karim, M. Ali Berawi
    DOI to be deposited (citable): 10.14716/ijtech.v16i5.7322
    Pre-layout full file: Not available yet.