Published at : 06 Oct 2021
Volume : IJtech
Vol 12, No 4 (2021)
Muhammad Luqman Hakim | Department of Naval Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia |
Bagus Nugroho | Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia |
I Ketut Suastika | Department of Naval Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia |
I Ketut Aria Pria Utama | Department of Naval Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia |
Biofouling is known as one of
the main problems in the maritime sector because it can increase the surface
roughness of the ship’s hull, which will increase the hull’s frictional
resistance and consequently, the ship’s
fuel consumption and emissions. It is thus important to reduce the impact of
biofouling by predicting the value of
Added frictional resistance; Biofouling; Design of experiments; Empirical formula; Ship resistance
impact of fouling or biofouling on ship performance is important (Molland et al., 2014). Biofouling makes the hull’s surface rough, and hence, increases its
frictional resistance (
the fluid passes through the rough surface, the turbulence boundary layer
structure will be shifted downward. Mathematically, the value of the downward
shift can be estimated using what is called a roughness function [
of the existing empirical methods is challenging to use. While the similarity
law scaling boundary layer method of Granville (1958, 1987) yields accurate results
because it can accommodate all types of roughness by entering the easily, but they are
applicable to only one type of roughness function [
This paper described the process of establishing an alternative formula
for the prediction of the increased frictional resistance (
The alternative formula was validated by comparing its calculation
result with that of the Granville method and computing the error. The results
were quite good, with values of R2
We should be grateful for the DOE, followed by the translation of
factors, for allowing the creation of a formula that can calculate a response
with good accuracy using minimal initial data. The initial data were generally
obtained from measurements in the field, laboratory tests, or numerical
simulations, all of which required resources. The resulting formula was also
quite easy to use.
Using this alternative formula, predicting the
increased frictional resistance of ships due to fouling will be easier, faster,
and cheaper. The formula’s error rate, which the author considers still quite
good, makes the formula suitable as an initial tool for determining how much
impact fouling has on ship performance. In addition, this formula has
considerable flexibility in the type of roughness function it can be applied to
because of its roughness constant variable Cs
research project was supported by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and
National Innovation and Research Agency (Kemenristek – BRIN) of the Republic of
Indonesia under Master to Doctorate Program for Excellent Graduate (PMDSU)
scholarship program batch III (Contract No. 1277/PKS/ITS/2020).
Filename | Description |
R1-ME-4692-20210609234243.pdf | Revised Supplementary File -PDF format |
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