• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 10, No 5 (2019)

A Novel Approach in Low-cost Motion Capture System using Color Descriptor and Stereo Webcam

A Novel Approach in Low-cost Motion Capture System using Color Descriptor and Stereo Webcam

Title: A Novel Approach in Low-cost Motion Capture System using Color Descriptor and Stereo Webcam
Muhammad Imanullah, Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno, Adri Gabriel Sooai

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Imanullah, M., Yuniarno, E.M., Sooai, A.G., 2019. A Novel Approach in Low-cost Motion Capture System using Color Descriptor and Stereo Webcam. International Journal of Technology. Volume 10(5), pp. 942-952

Muhammad Imanullah Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno Department of Computer Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Adri Gabriel Sooai Department of Computer Science, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira, Kupang City 85225, Indonesia
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A Novel Approach in Low-cost Motion Capture System using Color Descriptor and Stereo Webcam

Animated motion has become crucial in some electronic entertainment business products, such as games, animated movies, and simulations. Making such animated motion is associated with high cost and hard setup requirements. This research proposes a low-cost system for capturing motion using stereo webcam (two webcams placed side by side) and some daily house-grade tools. The system test has been specifically designed for shadow puppet theaters. The setup consists of two identical webcams placed side by side to acquire the depth of a marker by stereo camera triangulation. Image processing is needed to improve object detection and feature matching. Once images are captured from two webcams, they will be inverted and color-filtered to detect the markers and set those markers as features to be matched. Each feature is packed with a unique descriptor based on its color composition. Features in both images are then compared to get their related matches. When matched, their depth and position can be calculated and recorded as a 3D representation that is ready to be processed as motion data. The proposed system is reasonably efficient since we can get an average accuracy of 83.5% using webcams that cost around $7.69.

Feature matching; Marker; Motion capture; Stereo camera


Electronic entertainment business products, such as games, animated movies, and simulations, have recorded innovations every year. Some basic asset requirements like 3D models, 3D environments, and animated motion for such products have also become crucial in their development process. To acquire such basic asset requirements, especially animated motion, we may need motion capture devices that have a range variety of cost and accuracy, but most of them are expensive. Many attempts, such as those by Huang et al. (2018) and Zecca et al. (2013), have focused on the main issue of capturing motion without any cost-related consideration. They use small IMU sensors attached to human body joints to acquire their orientation and position displacement, which facilitates motion capturing. Other attempts to solve the problem of cost have been made by Budiman et al. (2005), Chao et al. (2009), and Guarisa et al. (2016). Although their attempt to solve the problem was hampered by cost requirement, unlike what Huang et al. and Zecca et al. did with their latest technological approach, it provided alternatives for project scale, method, and affordance consideration.

Budiman et al. (2005) used a mean-shift algorithm to track detected objects and used black curtain as background with a white circular marker placed in the lower body part to make it easier to detect. He also used a camera calibration step to get each extrinsic camera matrix needed in finding the global coordinate of each marker from two webcams. Chao et al. (2009) used a dynamic background subtraction technique to ease the segmentation of human silhouette needed in 3D motion data reconstruction. Unlike Budiman et al., Chao et al. used four cameras and a color-marker-based spatial calibrating technique for fast and easier camera calibration to get the fundamental matrices and calculate the relative coordinate system. When it comes to the amount of camera used, Guarisa et al. (2016) used only one webcam that holds its aim for a low-cost motion capture feature. They developed their motion capture specifically to recognize the facial pose with markers of contrast color other than black and white. They successfully developed the low-cost and open-source facial motion capture even though the lack of depth value is unavoidable since only one camera is used.

Following the examples of the researches above, we decided to use two low-cost webcams (cost below $5 each) and hire a stereo camera triangulation system to estimate the depth instead of using intrinsic and extrinsic camera matrices calibration since the camera will be set in an unfixed position. The markers are made with various color differences to improve the feature matching process in a white background. We chose not to use black background as Budiman et al. (2005) did because most rooms in typical houses are painted white. We also proposed an image processing method to improve the detection of markers and color descriptors to match detected markers in both cameras.


The use of stereo camera triangulation to find depth in a low-cost motion capture setup is reasonably effective since we can get an accuracy of 83.5% using webcams that cost around $7.69. It serves us as a forgivable result in obtaining the 3D point reconstruction data with some calculated error shown in Table 1. Parameter adjustment, such as baseline (b) and focal length (f), is crucial to getting better output.

The combination of white background, colored markers, and image processing methods, such as inversion and color filtering, effectively helps our attempt in features extraction (as shown in Figure 8 where all markers can be extracted) even though the existence of shadows and the issue of white balance will worsen the result, as can be seen in Figure 10b. Those image processing methods may be considered as suitable to distinguish colored markers from white background. With those image processing methods, object detection within Aforge.NET framework is working more accurately.

Along with various colored markers, color descriptor effectively helps us distinguish each marker and improve the feature matching process since all markers in Figures 9 and 10 can be successfully distinguished. Feature matching is a crucial part of this low-cost motion capture setup since it lets us locate the corresponding features needed in the calculation of disparity (d). We hope our proposed methods would be useful in motion capture-related projects to improve effectiveness or performance.


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