• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 8, No 7 (2017)

A Review of Improvements to the Liquid Collection System Used in the Pyrolysis Process for Producing Liquid Smoke

A Review of Improvements to the Liquid Collection System Used in the Pyrolysis Process for Producing Liquid Smoke

Title: A Review of Improvements to the Liquid Collection System Used in the Pyrolysis Process for Producing Liquid Smoke
Nasruddin A Abdullah, nandy Putra, Imansyah Ibnu Hakim, Raldi A. Koestoer

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Published at : 27 Dec 2017
Volume : IJtech Vol 8, No 7 (2017)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.14716/ijtech.v8i7.745

Cite this article as:
Abdullah, N.A., Putra, N., Hakim, I.I., Koestoer, R.A., 2017. A Review of Improvements to the Liquid Collection System Used in the Pyrolysis Process for Producing Liquid Smoke. International Journal of Technology, Volume 8(7), pp. 1197-1206

Nasruddin A Abdullah - Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
- Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Samudra, Langsa, Aceh Indonesia
nandy Putra Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia
Imansyah Ibnu Hakim Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia
Raldi A. Koestoer Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia
Email to Corresponding Author

A Review of Improvements to the Liquid Collection System Used in the Pyrolysis Process for Producing Liquid Smoke

Liquid smoke can be produced by using the pyrolysis process. Biomass, as the raw material, is heated in a pyrolysis reactor to generate pyrolysis vapor. The pyrolysis vapors coming from the reactor are condensed in a liquid collection system to produce liquid smoke. A liquid collection system is a device used to convert smoke into liquid. Liquid smoke is often also called bio-oil, which is widely used as a fuel, as a preservative, and as other chemical substances. The objective of this paper was to provide the latest information on improving the liquid collection system from existing papers, and conclude with some inputs and application strategies. Studies were performed using the product parameters, equipment, and operational conditions referred to in the existing journal articles. Using a proper liquid collection system will give a better result in the liquid collection process.

Biomass; Bio-oil; Liquid collection system; Liquid smoke; Pyrolysis


The improvement of LCSs has become a serious concern of researchers with respect to the vapor condensation process. A spray tower or column has been used in LCSs to condense large quantities of liquid smoke without fractionation processes. Heat exchangers are widely applied in the condensation processes for liquid smoke due to the ease of controlling the cooling temperature. A heat exchanger is more suitable for using as the LCS to separate the heavy fractions and light fractions in liquid smoke. Using a higher boiling fraction showed a high heating value, and a result low in water and acid, which are obtained at a low temperature of cooling fluid. From the assessment of LCSs it can be concluded that there are improvements that can be made, such as the use of heat exchangers to produce liquid smoke for each fraction according to their boiling point. The current trends in LCS research for pyrolysis suggest fractional condensation can be used to obtain the required products. A suitable design is needed for the heat exchanger as a result of the thermal properties of the vapor. Research on liquid smoke based on thermofluids still needs to be conducted. There is a lack of data on thermal properties, especially for local materials from Indonesia, which provides opportunities for researchers from Indonesia to study LCSs more, especially those based on thermofluids.


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