• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 8, No 8 (2017)

Utilization of Fruit Waste as Biogas Plant Feed and its Superiority Compared to Landfill

Utilization of Fruit Waste as Biogas Plant Feed and its Superiority Compared to Landfill

Title: Utilization of Fruit Waste as Biogas Plant Feed and its Superiority Compared to Landfill
Teguh Ariyanto, Rochim Bakti Cahyono, Abby Vente, Stijn Mattheij, Ria Millati, Sarto , Mohammad J. Taherzadeh, Siti Syamsiah

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Published at : 29 Dec 2017
Volume : IJtech Vol 8, No 8 (2017)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.14716/ijtech.v8i8.739

Cite this article as:
Ariyanto, T., Cahyono, R.B., Vente, A., Mattheij, S., Millati, R., Sarto., Taherzadeh, M.J., Syamsiah, S., 2017. Utilization of Fruit Waste as Biogas Plant Feed and its Superiority Compared to Landfill. International Journal of Technology. Volume 8(8), pp.1385-1392

Teguh Ariyanto - Department of Chemical Engineering, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Rochim Bakti Cahyono Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Abby Vente Environmental Science for Sustainable Energy and Technology, Avans Hogeschool
Stijn Mattheij Environmental Science for Sustainable Energy and Technology, Avans Hogeschool
Ria Millati Department of Food and Agricultural Product Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Sarto Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Mohammad J. Taherzadeh Swedish Centre for Resource Recovery, University of Borås
Siti Syamsiah Waste Refinery Center, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Email to Corresponding Author

Utilization of Fruit Waste as Biogas Plant Feed and its Superiority Compared to Landfill

Fruit waste is a part of municipal solid waste which is typically disposed of directly to a landfill site. In order to utilize this valuable renewable resource, anaerobic biological processes can be employed to convert fruit waste to biogas. This usable gas is then used to generate electricity. This paper describes a comprehensive study to set up technology for converting fruit waste to electricity via biogas production. First, the fruit waste characteristics (type and composition) were systematically evaluated, and then laboratory experiments for biogas conversion to explore gas production from the waste were carried out. The biogas plant was then designed, based on the information obtained. Finally, a comparison of biogas plant with landfill was performed using life cycle assessment (LCA) to determine environmental impacts, and economic evaluation to assess daily processing costs. The results from waste characterization in one of the biggest fruit markets in Indonesia showed that the three main component fruit types were orange (64%), mango (25%), and apple (5%). Rotten fruit contributes up to 80% of the total waste in the fruit market. Based on the experimental work, the potential gas production in the biogas plant was calculated to be approximately 1075 Nm3/day, comprising 54% methane, based on 10 tons per day of fruit waste. The comparison demonstrates that it is a better option to utilize fruit waste in a biogas plant, in terms of LCA and daily operational costs, than to dispose of it in landfill.

Biogas power plant; Life cycle assessment; Municipal solid waste; Waste management


A comprehensive study to set up a biogas power plant utilizing fruit waste as feedstock was carried out. From the waste characterization, the three main components of fruit waste in Gemah Ripah Fruit Market, Yogyakarta, were orange (64%), mango (25%), and apple (5%) and these rotten fruits contribute 80% of the total waste of the market. Laboratory scale experiments utilizing fruit waste and vegetable matter for biogas production showed that the optimum production of gas was obtained with volatile solids of 1.5% of the mixture of mango and vegetable (147 ml/g VS). Based on this design and calculation, gas production for 10 tons per day of fruit waste was calculated as approximately 1075 Nm3/day with 54% methane, which could be converted into 733 kWh electricity in a biogas power plant. From the LCA study, the impact of the biogas plant on the environment is found to be less than landfill disposal. Furthermore, when evaluating the financial aspects of processing waste to produce electrical energy, utilizing waste for the biogas plant is more efficient compared to the cost of processing the waste in landfill. 


The partnership in solid waste management between Universitas Gadjah Mada – Regency of Sleman, Indonesia and University of Borås – Borås Municipality, Sweden, is gratefully acknowledged. The authors thank to Gemah Ripah Fruit Market for the support of Biogas Plant Project. Financial support from TTV/NUTEK (Sweden) is greatly appreciated.


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