• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 8, No 7 (2017)

Development of Stakeholder Roles in Supporting Material Value Conservation of Plastic Packaging using Brain-Writing and Interpretive Process

Development of Stakeholder Roles in Supporting Material Value Conservation of Plastic Packaging using Brain-Writing and Interpretive Process

Title: Development of Stakeholder Roles in Supporting Material Value Conservation of Plastic Packaging using Brain-Writing and Interpretive Process
Djoko Sihono Gabriel, Albertus Wahyu Anindityo

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Published at : 27 Dec 2017
Volume : IJtech Vol 8, No 7 (2017)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.14716/ijtech.v8i7.722

Cite this article as:
Gabriel, D.S., Anindityo, A.W., 2017. Development of Stakeholder Roles in Supporting Material Value Conservation of Plastic Packaging using Brain-Writing and Interpretive Process. International Journal of Technology. Volume 8(7), pp. 1361-1370

Djoko Sihono Gabriel - Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
- Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
Albertus Wahyu Anindityo Universitas Indonesia
Email to Corresponding Author

Development of Stakeholder Roles in Supporting Material Value Conservation of Plastic Packaging using Brain-Writing and Interpretive Process

According to the material-value-conservation paradigm, all material should not be considered to be marginal material, but rather to be valuable resource of which its value should be conserved. Degradation of material value may be prevented by designing for material value conservation that will support easier and faster processes for mechanical recycling; this will produce better quality of product and improve its financial viability. Therefore, it supports resource conservation schemes for plastic materials, reduces material waste, and also promotes a new method of environmental protection. A material value conservation implementation needs appropriate and strategic stakeholder roles in order to optimize the line of sight among stakeholders. Brain-writing and interpretive-process techniques of analysis were implemented in this research by interviewing competent resource persons representing every category of stakeholder (including government institutions, such as the regulator and law-enforcement agencies; plastic-packaging producers; plastic-packaging purchasers; plastic-waste collectors, and plastic recyclers), and then analyzing their responses to determine the appropriate strategic roles. Results of the two methods suggest a list of stakeholders with their strategic roles being to support the material-value-conservation aims in the context of quality and value of plastic-waste improvements, as well as increasing the quantity of waste accepted by plastic recyclers. Stakeholder roles provided valuable information and directions for implementing management of plastic materials and plastic packaging products, as well as its post-consumer materials as valuable waste. The new paradigm, which is supported by the appropriate roles of stakeholders will have a broader impact and provide more benefits through optimizing plastic-waste utilization, especially for regions with high density of people and high consumption rate of plastic packaging products.

Brain-writing; Interpretive process; Material value conservation; Mechanical recycling; Plastic packaging; Stakeholder role


This research has revealed the stakeholders related to the material-value-conservation practices for plastic packaging, and their roles in supporting the implementation of these practices in a context of mechanical recycling. These results suggest a new way of understanding who supports material-value-conservation practice, and how they support those practices, particularly in the design and implementation processes for plastic packaging. A brain-writing activity was conducted followed by a shift towards an interpretive understanding, which proposed a new set of activities that are recommended for the promotion of material value conservation in various institutions and in households, and in an inter-organizational context. With this plan of action, material-value-conservation practices will evolve beyond the present paradigms, which generates more and more plastic waste because they only supports the functionality of plastic packaging, especially its function to display information and to promote the purpose of its contents. Stakeholders aiming to endorse material-value-conservation practices should thus consider alternatives to simply offering more refined tools and drafting more sector-wide recommendations on how to carry out material-value-conservation work. They might find that an exhibition of the various uses and practices for material value conservation may be a more efficient means of encouraging material-value-conservation research and its practices, not only for plastic packaging but also other uses of plastic materials, as well as for various other non-renewable materials, and even renewable materials such as paper, wood, cotton, and other crops and forestry products. The list of stakeholders and their roles generated from the brain-writing and interpretive-process seems sufficient and appropriate, but is not yet structured by this research. In order to optimize its implementation, it is recommended that the relationships among stakeholder roles are structured using interpretive structural modelling. Each stakeholder role’s position in the structure among the other stakeholder roles, along with the direction of the inter-stakeholder relationships, will be very helpful for implementing material-value-conservation practices.


This research would not have been possible without the kind support of Hibah PITTA 2017 scheme No. 765/UN2.R3.1/HKP.05.00/2017. We are grateful to Universitas Indonesia for funding the research that has been carried out.


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