Published at : 24 Dec 2024
Volume : IJtech
Vol 15, No 6 (2024)
Punyaanek Srisurin | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand, 73170 |
Agustin Guerra | The National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in Information and Communication Technologies, Panama City, Panama, 0819-07289 |
Pisit Jarumaneeroj | 1. Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 10330 2. Regional Centre for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, |
The objective of this
study is to investigate the variations in performance of a network with
multiple oversaturated intersections—particularly delays and queue
lengths—generated by two different signal timing approaches, namely (i)
the classical isolated signal timing approach that aims to optimize each
intersection’s signal timing independently and (ii) the network
optimization approach that focuses more on the network’s holistic performance.
In doing so, two signal timing models are herein developed using Synchro—a
powerful traffic simulation tool—based on the information of a real
oversaturated network with six consecutive intersections located on a major
arterial street of Bangkok, Thailand, during the weekday evening peak period.
The results of this simulation indicate that optimal cycle lengths and the
allocation of green intervals are two key success factors that help reduce
average delays and queue lengths at these intersections. To this end, excessive
green intervals tend to result in greater delays and queue lengths, as the
remaining approaches would experience excessively long red intervals.
Furthermore, the key factor that helps enhance the network’s holistic
performance is the allocation of coordinated green intervals considering
vehicular flows on all traffic corridors. In this regard, we find that the
network optimization approach is considerably more efficient, as it could help
reduce average delays and queue lengths by 43.5% and 61.9% compared to the base
case scenario—which is 9.7% and 9.4% better than the isolated signal timing
approach, respectively.
Delay; Isolated intersection; Network optimization; Signal timing; Traffic simulation queue length
It is well known that traffic congestion—and its environmental impacts—could be mitigated by making land development more compact, along with increasing public transit density and accessibility (Verbavatz and Barthelemy, 2019). Unfortunately, in large urbanized areas—in which land use development and public transit systems are not well planned—motorized traffic on roadways usually becomes a prevalent problem (Thaithatkul et al., 2011). To this end, severe traffic congestion usually occurs at at-grade multiple-leg intersections, largely due to their respective numbers of conflict points, coupled with diverse vehicular traffic flows on intersections’ approaches. To avoid such conflicts and road accidents, especially in dense urban areas (Mustakim et al., 2023), signal controllers are thus employed at these intersections.
While important, these traffic
controllers generally mandate vehicles to stop—which, in turn, results in an
accumulation of queues on some of the intersection’s approaches. This situation
might be worse in a network with multiple intersections, as excessive queues
forming at one intersection could dampen vehicular flows on nearby
intersections (or roads), which eventually leads to widespread congestion (Al-Selwi et al., 2023). To maintain the
greatest levels of safety and mobility of motorists at these at-grade
intersections, intelligent traffic signal controllers—under different signal
timing schemes depending on traffic control technologies and transport policies
(Keshuang and Nakamura, 2008)—are therefore
According to Akgungor and Korkmaz (2018), a complete rotation
of different signal intervals—namely the green interval, the change interval
(yellow time), the clearance interval (all-red time), and the red
interval—normally referred to as a cycle length, has played an important role
in reducing traffic congestion, particularly delays and queue lengths, as well
as other nontraditional transport issues like greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Practically, the cycle length is designed to last from 40.0 seconds to 150.0
seconds, depending on the number of phase sequences, lost time, and vehicular
flow rates.
While it is somewhat intuitive
to give a longer green interval—and so a longer cycle length—to an
intersection’s approach with higher arrival rates, this does not necessarily
shorten the overall queue lengths at the intersection, due to the accumulated queues
on the remaining approaches. On the contrary, we might be unable to discharge
accumulated queues at an intersection if the cycle length is far too short, as
there would be a relatively large proportion of inefficient green time, i.e.,
start-up lost time and red time (Roess, Prassas, and
McShane, 2011), in each cycle (Akgungor
and Korkmaz, 2018; Eriskin et al., 2017; Srisurin and
Singh, 2017). These problems are especially worse at oversaturated intersections, as
queue lengths at the main and minor corridors are quickly formed, due to
comparatively high vehicular flow rates.
To better optimize signal
timing at an intersection, a number of research studies have therefore been
conducted under different problem settings, objectives, and solution
methodologies. In terms of problem settings, most research in this domain
typically involves signal timing optimization at an isolated intersection. Yet,
the research objectives may vary depending on the selected performance metrics,
such as delays (Alhajyaseen et al., 2017;
Zakariya and Rabia, 2016; Liu and Xu, 2012; Webster, 1958), queue
lengths (Srisurin and Singh, 2017; Babicheva, 2015;
Sutarto et al., 2015; Teo, Kow, and Chin, 2010), throughput flows
(Wang et al., 2020a; Eriskin et al.,
2017), or
multiple objectives combined (Ma et al.,
2020; Li et al., 2013; Robles, 2012; Hewage and Ruwanpura, 2004; Li et al., 2004). Regarding the solution
approaches, Teo, Kow, and Chin (2010) and Manh et al. (2020) utilized the concept of
genetic algorithm (GA) to determine the optimal signal timing at an isolated
intersection, while Wang et al. (2020a), Hewage
and Ruwanpura (2004), Robles (2012), Li et al. (2013), and Ma et al. (2020) instead used simulation
modeling for the same purpose. A deterministic optimization model and a queuing
model were also introduced to help determine optimal signal timing at an
isolated intersection by Li et al. (2004),
Babicheva (2015), and Srisurin and Singh (2017).
In addition to the
aforementioned approaches, the solution methodologies adopted by recent studies
were rather complex yet interesting, such as the elimination pairing system by Eriskin et al. (2017), the differential
evolution bacteria foraging algorithm by Liu and Xu
(2012), the regression analysis by Zakariya and
Rabia (2016), the lane-based method by Alhajyaseen
et al. (2017), and the parabolic interpolation method by Sutarto et al. (2015).
Besides optimizing signal
timing at an isolated intersection, there is also a set of complementary
research that focuses more on a network with multiple intersections. Bargegol et al. (2015), Dixit et al.
(2020), Wang et al. (2020b), Gu et al.
(2021), and Wang et al. (2021), for instance,
investigated signal timing of networks with multiple intersections that
resulted in minimum overall delays. Liu and Chang
(2011) and Li and Chen (2018), on the
contrary, put more emphasis on the development of signal timing schemes that
resulted in minimum overall queues. In addition to the traditional transport
performance metrics, some have further included other transport concerns—such
as greenhouse gas emissions (Shen, 2018) and
total travel times (Tang and Friedrich, 2016; Guo et
al., 2019)—or even combined various performance measures into one
single framework (Lee et al., 2022; Park et
al., 2021; Zhou et al., 2021; Wong and Liu, 2019; Armas et al.,
2017; Hu and Smith, 2017; Li, Xu, and Zhang,
2017; French and French, 2006).
Regarding the solution
methodology, classical methods—like the genetic algorithm (Guo et al., 2019; Li and Chen, 2018; Bargegol et
al., 2015; Liu and Chang, 2011) and simulation modeling (Shen, 2018; French and French, 2006)—were mainly
applied to this problem setting. Yet, machine learning (Wang
et al., 2021) and deep reinforcement learning approaches (Lee et al., 2022; Gu et al., 2021; Park et
al., 2021; Li, Xu, Zhang, 2017) were among recent popular techniques
that have been widely utilized, due to the advancement in tracking technologies
(e.g., GPS data).
Unlike previous research that
applied the so-called isolated signal timing approach to optimize the signal
timing of a network with multiple intersections, Hu
and Smith (2017), Nesheli, Puan, and
Roshandeh (2009), Adacher (2012),
and Xie, Smith, and Barlow (2012) proposed
quite an interesting signal timing concept that aimed to maintain vehicular
flows along the main corridors, called the signal timing coordination approach.
In this approach, the green intervals between successive intersections are
coordinated so that vehicles can traverse along the main corridor without
stopping. According to Roess, Prassas, and
McShane (2011), this approach was found
superior when the distance between two adjacent intersections on major arterial
roads was less than 1.6 km and the volumes on the main corridor were
higher compared to those of minor streets. Nonetheless, the performance of the
signal timing coordination approach may be inferior in practice, as traffic on
minor streets of oversaturated intersections may be slightly lower than that of
the main corridor.
As has been illustrated, the
majority of previous research studies generally address issues related to the
performance of isolated intersections. While a few studies have focused on
optimizing the signal timing of networks with multiple intersections—either by
locally optimizing each intersection’s signal timing independently or
coordinating the signal timing of all intersections based on green time
offsets—none has focused on the holistic performance of an oversaturated
network with different intersection configurations.
In light of this gap, this
paper thence aims to (i) investigate the performance of a network
optimization approach that focuses more on overall network performance rather
than that of isolated intersections or the main corridor and (ii)
compare it with the classical isolated signal timing approach. For practical
reasons, our study is based on the information of a real oversaturated network
with six consecutive intersections (with both at-grade three-leg and four-leg
intersections) located on Rama VI Street, Bangkok, Thailand, during the evening
peak period. To systematically compare and assess the performance of these two
approaches, two simulation models representing these two settings are herein
developed, calibrated, and run using Synchro with the same input data. Based on
our conduct of simulation, we find that shorter cycle lengths and optimal
allocation of green intervals are two key success factors that help reduce
average delays and queue lengths at these six isolated intersections.
Furthermore, excessive green intervals tend to result in greater delays and
queue lengths, as green intervals are not well utilized to their fullest
potential. On the other hand, the key factor that helps enhance the performance
of the whole network is the coordination of green intervals—not only on the
main corridor but also on minor streets with relatively high vehicular flows.
The remainder of this paper is
organized as follows. Section 2 provides a thorough discussion regarding the
models of both classical isolated signal timing and network optimization
approaches. The results to these models, in terms of delays and queue lengths,
from simulation runs are then reported and compared with those of the current
traffic data—or the base case scenario—in Section 3. Finally, Section 4
concludes this present work and suggests some future research directions.
2.1. Data collection and phase plan formulation
This research adopts a road network with
six consecutive intersections, located in Bangkok, the capital city of
Thailand, as a test case. The reason for this is that Bangkok is one of the
most congested cities in Southeast Asia. According to TomTom’s 2023 ranking of
the most congested cities (TomTom, 2024),
Bangkok ranks 46th in the world and 13th among Asian cities in terms of road
congestion. Additionally, signal timing at intersections in Bangkok is mostly
manually controlled, using a pretimed system that cannot precisely respond to
fluctuations in vehicular demands at different time periods. To better improve
the performance of traffic control in Bangkok, a more efficient signal timing
scheme is therefore needed; and this will be investigated based on the
underlying road network.
Figure 1 Layout of the underlying network with average vehicular flows (pc/h)
In addition to vehicular flow rates,
information pertaining to throughputs, saturation flow rates, turning
movements, maximum queue lengths, estimated proportion of heavy vehicles, cycle
lengths, split green intervals, and offsets for each intersection are also
derived from the dataset and, later, used as input (if needed) for all models.
the phase plan formulation, pretimed traffic signal phasing is separately
assigned to each intersection as shown in Figure 2, using left-hand traffic
(LHT)—in which traffic keeps left—as the rule of the road. Furthermore, the
phase plan of both four-leg and three-leg at-grade intersections is assigned
with a through-right turn phase in order to simultaneously accommodate through
and right-turn movements on each intersection’s approach (represented by the
thick black arrows). The underlying reason that we prevent the application of
exclusive right-turn phasing lies in the geometric design of intersections that
makes exclusive right-turn phasing unsafe for vehicles turning in opposite
directions. From Figure 2, left turn on red (LTOR) is also applied at some of
the intersections, as represented by the thin grey arrows. The thick grey
arrow, on the contrary, represents the permissive right-turn movement, while
the numbers in small boxes denote phase numbers,
according to the ring-and-barrier diagram (Koonce,
Figure 2 Phasing diagrams of all six intersections
According to the U.S. Federal Highway
Administration’s Traffic Signal Timing Manual, a ring-and-barrier diagram
consists of two rings and one barrier that divides phases into left (phases Ø1,
Ø2, Ø5, and Ø6) and right ones (phases Ø3, Ø4, Ø7, and Ø8). Based on this
notation, Intersections 1, 4, and 6 (four-leg intersections) have about four
phases, while Intersections 3 and 5 (three-leg intersections) have only three
phases. Moreover, these phases run in a sequence from left to right.
2.2. Isolated signal timing model
where i
denotes the ith approach of an intersection (e.g., for
a four-leg at-grade intersection, i {1, 2, 3, 4}); LTi
represents the total lost time on the ith approach, which is
the sum of the start-up lost time and clearance lost time per phase; Vci
represents the critical flow volume on the ith approach,
which is defined by the maximum flow rate less the available turning movements
on red; and SFi represents the saturation flow rate on the ith
approach, which is the capacity of a lane group assuming that the signal
indication is always green.
modifications are further made and included in the simulation model of the
isolated signal timing approach so that the devised model properly reflects the
current traffic operations of these six intersections. The default value of
total lost time per phase, for example, is set at five seconds—instead of four
seconds as recommended by the Highway Capacity Manual (National
Research Council, 2016)—to compensate for unexpected extra lost time due
to congestion. Additional restrictions concerning phases, cycle lengths,
minimum splits, queue lengths, and green intervals are also included, as
supplementary sets of constraints in the model, whose detailed information is
provided as follows.
2.2.1. Phase and cycle length constraints
Note that the yellow
time and the all-red time in this study are set at three seconds and two
seconds, respectively, according to the existing conditions. And, for
consistency, these durations are also preserved as the default values for the
network optimization model.
2.2.2. Minimum split constraint
2.2.3. Minimum split constraint
2.2.4. Green interval splitting
By adding Expressions
(1)–(6) into the model, we can simulate and determine the optimal green time on
each of the intersection’s approaches, as well as the optimal cycle length,
that minimizes total delays and queue lengths, from the simulation runs, as
reported in Section 3.
2.3. Network optimization approach
Unlike the isolated signal timing
approach that aims to independently optimize the optimal green time—and so the
cycle length—of each isolated intersection, the purpose of the network
optimization approach is to enhance the network’s holistic performance, taking
into account traffic flows on both main corridors and minor streets. This is in
contrast to the signal timing coordination approach that maintains only the
vehicular flows along the main corridor—which could lead to extremely long
queues and more delays on the minor streets of an oversaturated intersection.
to the previous model, Expressions (1)–(6) are also included in the network
optimization model, along with the same set of parameters, for the simulation
conduct in Synchro.
2.4. Traffic simulation
To systematically compare and assess the
performance of these two approaches, two simulation models representing these
two settings are constructed and run in Synchro with the same input data. The
justification of Synchro in this study is based on its advantages that allow
users to adjust the speed limit and lane width of every road segment, as well
as the ability to calibrate the lost time and headway on every approach. More
importantly, Synchro is specifically designed to simulate traffic at
intersections. This makes it a flexible and suitable platform for simulating
complex traffic scenarios, including our underlying network.
In this regard, a simulation framework
that represents the current geometric design of traffic facilities is initiated
using field data. The existing vehicular flows, turning movements, turn
penalties, roadway lengths, lane widths, geometric design of the traffic
facilities, cycle lengths, and split green intervals are then applied to
develop a simulation model of the existing system (e.g., using the
pretimed signal operation at all intersections). In addition to these
parameters, the percentage of heavy vehicles is assumed to be 1.0%, while the
average standstill passenger car length of 5.0 m is utilized, along with
the speed limit of 60 km/h and the peak-hour factor of 0.92, according
to the field data. Lastly, the estimated saturation flow rate of 1,900
passenger cars per hour per lane (pc/h/ln) is adopted in the models, as
recommended by the Highway Capacity Manual (National
Research Council, 2016).
It should be remarked that, as the real
queue lengths and vehicular flows within the network generally vary across the
passage of time, the model is thence calibrated using the maximum queue length
and flow of each intersection’s approach, as observed from the field data.
Based on this calibration procedure, the finalized simulation model
representing this so-called base case scenario provides the maximum errors of
6.0% and 8.8% in terms of total queue lengths and vehicular flows,
With this simulation model, the
simulation of both isolated signal timing and network optimization approaches
could be conducted—the results of which are compared and thoroughly discussed
in Section 3. For further reproducibility, the information related to the
simulation models, as well as the illustrations of all important metrics, is
made available at
3.1. Delay
Figure 3 below shows the simulation results of the isolated signal timing and the network optimization approaches, compared to those of the base case scenario, while Table 1 reports the percentage reduction of delays by these two approaches at each intersection separately.
Figure 3 Comparison of delays between the base case scenario (existing), the isolated signal timing approach (isolated optimal), and the network optimization approach (network optimal)
From Figure 3, it
could be seen that network optimization is the most effective approach in
reducing delays at all six intersections—although it only slightly outperforms
the isolated signal timing approach at some intersections, i.e.,
Intersections 2 and 3. Furthermore, Intersection 2 seems to be the one that
most benefits from both signal timing approaches, followed by the first
intersection, whereas the least improvements by these two approaches are found
at Intersections 4 and 3, respectively. In terms of network performance, by
adopting the network optimization approach, the average delay per vehicle in
the entire network could be significantly reduced from 140.5 seconds per
passenger car unit (s/pc) in the base case scenario to 79.3 s/pc,
or equivalently a 37.5% reduction.
Based on these results, it could be inferred that the current cycle lengths and green times used to regulate traffic in this network are excessively long—as issuing shorter green times seems to significantly aid in lowering overall delays and queue lengths. Furthermore, the network optimization approach is found to be superior to the isolated signal timing approach, as its overall delays are around 9.7% better than those of the other approach. The underlying reason is that the network optimization approach aims to minimize overall delays by treating the entire network as one single system, whereas the isolated signal timing approach merely focuses on minimizing delays at individual intersections. Due to a more myopic scope, the isolated signal timing approach may not reduce overall delays. Rather, it may create higher vehicular demands at adjacent intersections, thereby increasing burdens on such intersections in an uncooperative manner.
Table 1 Percentage reduction of delays by isolated
signal timing (denoted by isolated) and network optimization approaches
(denoted by network).
Intersection |
Percentage Delay Reduction (%) |
Isolated vs. Existing |
Network vs. Existing |
Network vs. Isolated |
int-1 |
-43.9% |
-47.7% |
-6.8% |
int-2 |
-83.2% |
-84.8% |
-9.2% |
int-3 |
-25.9% |
-27.3% |
-1.9% |
int-4 |
-16.6% |
-32.4% |
-18.9% |
int-5 |
-26.8% |
-40.5% |
-18.8% |
int-6 |
-28.1% |
-30.3% |
-2.9% |
Overall |
-37.5% |
-43.5% |
-9.7% |
3.2. Queue length
Similar to total delays, both
isolated signal timing and network optimization approaches are found useful in
shortening queue lengths at these six intersections, when compared to the base
case scenario, as reported in Table 2. Furthermore, Intersection 2 is among the
intersections that most benefits from these two signal timing approaches, with
an average queue length reduction of over 80%, followed by Intersection 1, with
about a 60% queue length reduction.
Table 2 Percentage reduction of delays
by isolated signal timing (denoted by isolated) and network optimization
approaches (denoted by network).
Intersection |
Percentage Difference in Average Total Queue Length (%) |
Isolated vs. Existing |
Network vs. Existing |
Network vs. Isolated |
int-1 |
-63.2% |
-62.9% |
0.8% |
int-2 |
-83.9% |
-85.1% |
-7.8% |
int-3 |
-52.1% |
-55.1% |
-6.2% |
int-4 |
-26.6% |
-57.9% |
-42.7% |
int-5 |
-59.3% |
-49.1% |
25.1% |
int-6 |
-54.3% |
-58.9% |
-9.9% |
Overall |
-58.0% |
-61.9% |
-9.4% |
It should be remarked
that, although the overall queue lengths yielded by these two signal timing
approaches are comparable at the intersection level, the granular results at
the approach level may vary greatly (see Tables 3–8 for more details). At
Intersection 1 (see Table 3), for instance, both signal timing approaches
produce quite similar queue lengths at the intersection level—although the
queue length generated by the network optimization approach on the westbound (i
= 3) approach is slightly longer. Similarly, at Intersection 2 (see Table 4),
the queue lengths on the eastbound and the westbound approaches generated by
these two signal timing schemes are almost identical. Yet, the queue length on
the southbound approach (i = 1), generated by the network optimization
approach, is a lot shorter—about 49.4%—which is opposite to its queue length on
the northbound approach (i = 2), which is inferior to that of the
isolated signal timing approach around 34.5%.
these two intersections, the network optimization approach is found to be
superior to the isolated signal timing approach on every approach at
Intersections 3, 4, and 6, whereas the isolated signal timing approach
outperforms the network optimization approach on all Intersection 5’s
addition to queue lengths, the maximum queue per street length ratio (maximum Q/L
ratio) on each intersection’s approach is further explored, the results of
which are reported in Tables 3–8. According to Tables 3–8, it is evident that
the base case scenario is worse in terms of not only delays and queue lengths
but also the maximum Q/L ratio—especially on the northbound approach (i
= 2) of Intersection 3 and the southbound approach (i = 1) of
Intersection 4, with the maximum Q/L ratios over 100% (i.e.,
spillbacks likely occur on these approaches).
adopting the isolated signal timing approach, spillbacks are less likely to be
found, with the greatest maximum Q/L ratio of 82% on the southbound
approach (i = 1) of Intersection 4. The corresponding number is a lot
lower in the case of network optimization, that is, 52% on the northbound
approach (i = 2) of Intersection 3.
Table 3 Simulation results of Intersection 1
Measure |
Existing |
Isolated Signal
Timing |
Optimization |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 4 |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 4 |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 4 |
Flow (pc/h) |
1869 |
2076 |
783 |
847 |
1869 |
2076 |
783 |
847 |
1869 |
2076 |
783 |
847 |
Sat. Flow (pc/h) |
6960 |
6651 |
5034 |
5208 |
6960 |
6651 |
5034 |
5208 |
6960 |
6651 |
5034 |
5208 |
Delay (s/pc) |
156.5 |
152.9 |
169.3 |
143.1 |
88.1 |
86.8 |
83.6 |
87.3 |
88.1 |
67.4 |
100.1 |
80.9 |
Max. Queue (m) |
364.6 |
391.5 |
184.9 |
228.5 |
136.2 |
142.2 |
62.9 |
89.0 |
136.2 |
142.0 |
69.0 |
86.5 |
*MQ/SL (%) |
53% |
59% |
17% |
99% |
20% |
21% |
6% |
39% |
20% |
21% |
6% |
38% |
*MQ/SL denotes the proportion of the maximum queue length per
length of street.
Table 4 Simulation results of
Intersection 2.
Measure |
Existing |
Isolated Signal
Timing |
Optimization |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 4 |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 4 |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 4 |
Flow (pc/h) |
1631 |
2174 |
663 |
815 |
1631 |
2174 |
663 |
815 |
1631 |
2174 |
663 |
815 |
Sat. Flow (pc/h) |
5283 |
7862 |
4841 |
4578 |
6960 |
6651 |
5034 |
5208 |
5283 |
7862 |
4841 |
4578 |
Delay (s/pc) |
121.3 |
175.9 |
129.1 |
63.1 |
17.6 |
18.5 |
54.5 |
18.9 |
9.5 |
19.6 |
54.5 |
18.9 |
Max. Queue (m) |
314.4 |
359.2 |
120.8 |
154.8 |
69.0 |
42.0 |
20.0 |
22.2 |
34.9 |
64.1 |
20.0 |
22.2 |
*MQ/SL (%) |
47% |
97% |
62% |
50% |
10% |
11% |
10% |
7% |
5% |
17% |
10% |
7% |
*MQ/SL denotes the proportion of the maximum queue length per
length of street.
Table 5 Simulation results of Intersection 3
Existing |
Isolated Signal Timing |
Network Optimization |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
Flow (pc/h) |
1706 |
2185 |
2043 |
1706 |
2185 |
2043 |
1706 |
2185 |
2043 |
Sat. Flow (pc/h) |
5125 |
5986 |
3808 |
5125 |
5986 |
3808 |
5125 |
5986 |
3808 |
Delay (s/pc) |
155.2 |
160.6 |
74.6 |
101.6 |
93.1 |
94.6 |
96.1 |
86.6 |
100.6 |
Max. Queue (m) |
313.5 |
358.7 |
270.2 |
146.2 |
160.2 |
145.1 |
138.9 |
145.0 |
139.7 |
*MQ/SL (%) |
85% |
129% |
82% |
40% |
57% |
44% |
38% |
52% |
43% |
*MQ/SL denotes the proportion of the maximum queue length per length of street.
Table 6 Simulation results of Intersection 4
Measure |
Existing |
Isolated Signal
Timing |
Optimization |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 4 |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 4 |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 4 |
Flow (pc/h) |
1641 |
2195 |
554 |
489 |
1641 |
2195 |
554 |
489 |
1641 |
2195 |
554 |
489 |
Sat. Flow (pc/h) |
5048 |
6651 |
4740 |
3255 |
5048 |
6651 |
4740 |
3255 |
5048 |
6651 |
4740 |
3255 |
Delay (s/pc) |
127.8 |
153.3 |
128.0 |
94.4 |
139.1 |
99.9 |
92.0 |
111.3 |
116.0 |
69.1 |
100.4 |
104.4 |
Max. Queue (m) |
300.3 |
251.8 |
70.4 |
89.8 |
229.7 |
171.1 |
44.0 |
78.2 |
54.6 |
141.3 |
39.0 |
64.9 |
*MQ/SL (%) |
108% |
44% |
39% |
46% |
82% |
30% |
24% |
40% |
20% |
25% |
22% |
34% |
*MQ/SL denotes the proportion of
the maximum queue length per length of street.
Table 7 Simulation results of Intersection 5
Performance Measure |
Existing |
Isolated Signal
Timing |
Optimization |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
Flow (pc/h) |
1652 |
2196 |
2043 |
1652 |
2196 |
2043 |
1652 |
2196 |
2043 |
Sat. Flow (pc/h) |
4423 |
4956 |
6212 |
4423 |
4956 |
6212 |
4423 |
4956 |
6212 |
Delay (s/pc) |
167.5 |
129.7 |
85.0 |
113.3 |
98.6 |
65.9 |
99.3 |
59.8 |
69.5 |
Max. Queue (m) |
283.8 |
356.9 |
184.5 |
110.2 |
144.1 |
81.8 |
138.4 |
180.2 |
101.8 |
*MQ/SL (%) |
50% |
52% |
60% |
19% |
21% |
27% |
24% |
26% |
33% |
*MQ/SL denotes the proportion of
the maximum queue length per length of street.
Table 8 Simulation results of Intersection 6
Measure |
Existing |
Isolated Signal
Timing |
Optimization |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 4 |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 4 |
i = 1 |
i = 2 |
i = 3 |
i = 4 |
Flow (pc/h) |
1619 |
2185 |
566 |
631 |
1619 |
2185 |
566 |
631 |
1619 |
2185 |
566 |
631 |
Sat. Flow (pc/h) |
8256 |
9748 |
5034 |
4642 |
8256 |
9748 |
5034 |
4642 |
8256 |
9748 |
5034 |
4642 |
Delay (s/pc) |
162.1 |
157.3 |
183.9 |
186.6 |
112.3 |
113.5 |
127.5 |
147.7 |
109.4 |
107.4 |
122.5 |
153.1 |
Max. Queue (m) |
325.2 |
379.8 |
155.3 |
167.6 |
144.7 |
168.2 |
75.4 |
81.2 |
135.6 |
147.6 |
66.7 |
73.0 |
*MQ/SL (%) |
48% |
44% |
16% |
48% |
21% |
20% |
8% |
23% |
20% |
17% |
7% |
21% |
*MQ/SL denotes the proportion of the maximum queue length per
length of street.
In terms of network
performance, by adopting the network optimization approach, the overall queues
could be substantially reduced from 255.8 m/approach (base case
scenario) to 97.3 m/approach, or equivalently a 61.9% reduction, which
is 10.1 m/approach, or about 9.4%, better than that of the isolated
signal timing approach.
3.3. Cycle length and
split green interval
Figure 4 shows a comparison of results pertaining to cycle lengths of the two signal timing approaches versus those of the base case scenario. From Figure 4, it is evident that the current cycle lengths at all intersections are comparatively longer than those of the two signal timing approaches, especially at Intersection 2. Furthermore, the network optimization approach’s cycle lengths seem to be more consistent across intersections, with the exception of Intersection 2, whose cycle length is only 75.0 seconds, due to the offsets between green initiation times. The cycle lengths of the isolated signal timing approach, on the other hand, vary between 120.0 seconds and 180.0 seconds.
Figure 4 Comparison of cycle lengths between the base case scenario (existing), the isolated signal timing approach (isolated optimal), and the network optimization approach (network optimal)
In terms of the split green interval at
the approach level, as illustrated by Figure 5, the current split green
intervals are obviously excessive on all intersections’ approaches—which, in
turn, results in excessive red times, longer accumulated queues, and greater
delays. Instead of issuing longer green intervals, the isolated signal timing
and the network optimization approaches aim to utilize shorter green times to
their fullest potential so that accumulated queues on the remaining approaches
could be timely discharged with fewer delays.
In sum, the implementation of shorter
green times could effectively reduce overall delays and traffic queues.
Furthermore, extending green times excessively for specific intersections’
approaches is less efficient, particularly in oversaturated intersections, as
it could lead to disproportionately long red times for other approaches. These
findings align well with previous research (e.g., Akgungor and Korkmaz, 2018; Eriskin et al., 2017;
Srisurin and Singh, 2017), highlighting
inefficiency in the traditional signal timing strategies.
should be remarked that the split green intervals at an intersection’s approach
are not generally proportionate to each other. To properly evaluate the
efficiency of green time on each approach, based on its respective flow, flow
per G/C ratio, defined by Equation (7), is therefore adopted for the
green time assessment.
where qi
is the hourly flow rate (pc/h).
As the flow per G/C
ratio measures the total number of passenger cars per second of green (pc/s
of green) passing through all approaches of an intersection, the higher the
flow per G/C ratio, the better the efficiency of green time is.
Table 9 summarizes the resulting flow per G/C ratio at each intersection, as generated by the isolated signal timing and the network optimization approaches, and compares them with the base case scenario. From Table 9, it is clear that both signal timing approaches are marginally superior to the base case scenario, despite their relatively shorter green intervals. Although the network optimization approach seems to outperform the other approach at four out of six intersections, such improvements are not that substantial—less than 5%. We can, therefore, infer that both signal timing approaches are comparable in terms of flow per G/C ratio.
Figure 5 Comparison of split green times between the base case scenario, the isolated signal timing approach (isolated optimal), and the network optimization approach (network optimal)
Table 9 A summary of flow per G/C
ratio at each intersection
Intersection |
Flow per G/C (pc/s of green) |
Difference (%) |
Existing |
Isolated |
Network |
Isolated vs. Existing |
Network vs. Existing |
Network vs. Isolated |
int-1 |
6.26 |
6.87 |
6.94 |
9.7% |
10.9% |
1.1% |
int-2 |
5.31 |
6.43 |
6.14 |
21.0% |
15.5% |
-4.5% |
int-3 |
5.17 |
5.62 |
5.68 |
8.6% |
9.9% |
1.2% |
int-4 |
5.79 |
5.78 |
5.98 |
-0.3% |
3.2% |
3.5% |
int-5 |
5.40 |
6.30 |
6.03 |
16.7% |
11.7% |
-4.3% |
int-6 |
5.43 |
5.84 |
5.95 |
7.6% |
9.7% |
1.9% |
3.4. Vehicle trajectory under the network optimization approach
visualize the interrelationship of these six intersections’ signal timing under
the network optimization approach, Figure 6 shows the trajectory of vehicles
traversing the main corridor in the northbound direction, from Intersection 6
through Intersection 2. Note that, in Figure 6, an optimal cycle length of
150.0 seconds is applied at Intersections 3 through 6, whereas a shorter cycle
length of 75.0 seconds is applied at Intersection 2.
to the collected data, traffic in the northbound direction is heavily
platooned. The proportion of traffic in the platoon ranges between 0.82 and
0.99, with sufficiently high numbers of passenger cars per hour, i.e.,
between 3,707 pc/h and 3,826 pc/h. By adopting the network
optimization approach, motorists on the northbound approach are prioritized,
taking into account traffic on minor streets. As a result, the issued green
intervals are not perfectly aligned.
the issued green intervals on the main corridor are not perfectly aligned, the
network optimization approach tends to prioritize the overall vehicular delays
from the network’s perspective, leading to a better traffic flow on the network
implies that the conventional signal coordination approach that gives priority
to the vehicular flow on the main corridor may fail to provide the best results
in terms of network delays for oversaturated networks. This is largely due to
the considerably high demand volumes on the minor streets that impede both
accessibility and the mobility of other road users at nearby intersections,
thereby inducing widespread network congestion.
By properly aligning green time intervals without overlooking traffic on minor streets, the whole network’s performance could be enhanced. This highlights the practical benefits of the network optimization approach in real-world applications.
Figure 6 Time-space diagram showing the results of the network optimization approach in the northbound direction (i.e., from Intersection 6 through Intersection 2)
The following symbols are used in this paper:
Int-1 = Intersection 1 (northernmost);
Int-2 = Intersection 2;
Int-3 = Intersection 3;
Int-4 = Intersection 4;
Int-5 = Intersection 5;
Int-6 = Intersection 6 (southernmost);
CL = Cycle length (s);
G = Green time (s);
Y = Clearance or yellow time (s);
AR = All-red time (s);
LT = Total lost time per phase (s);
Vci = Critical flow volume on the ith
approach, which is defined by the maximum flow rate
less the available turning movements on red (pc/h);
SFi = Saturation flow rate on the ith
approach (pc/h);
Qi = Queue length on the ith
approach (m);
MQi = Maximum queue length on the ith
approach (m);
SLi = Street length on the ith
approach (m);
qi = Hourly flow rate on the ith
approach (pc/h);
G/C ratio = Ratio of total green time to the
cycle length (unitless);
pc/h = Unit of flow rate (passenger car unit per
pc/h/ln = Unit of flow rate per lane (passenger car unit per hour per lane);
s/pc = Unit of average delay per vehicle (seconds per passenger car unit).
The authors would like to thank Kasidech Tantipanichaphan for assisting with the data collection process.
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