Published at : 18 Sep 2024
Volume : IJtech
Vol 15, No 5 (2024)
Bilal El Zohbi | Lasie UMR CNRS 7356, La Rochelle University, La Rochelle, France, 17031 La Rochelle |
Mouhammad El Hassan | Mechanical Engineering Department, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Al Khobar, KSA, 1664 Al Khobar 31952 |
Nour Afyouni | Lasie UMR CNRS 7356, La Rochelle University, La Rochelle, France, 17031 La Rochelle |
Kamel Abed Meraim | Lasie UMR CNRS 7356, La Rochelle University, La Rochelle, France, 17031 La Rochelle |
Anas Sakout | Lasie UMR CNRS 7356, La Rochelle University, La Rochelle, France, 17031 La Rochelle |
Hassan Hasan Assoum | Mechanical Engineering Department, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon, 11 - 50 - 20 Riad El Solh 11072809 |
A summary of key discoveries regarding the
industrial applications of impinging jets on a vertical plate. The summary
explores the link between the dynamics and heat transmission on one hand and
the relationship between heat exchange and acoustic coupling on the other hand.
The objective of this research work is to investigate the vortex dynamics and
heat transfer mechanisms in impinging jets. The jet impingement technique finds
widespread use in the industry, it serves purposes such as drying, cooling, and
heating. The impinging jet system involves directing a fluid jet with
high-velocity onto a surface. The jet impingement results in high heat exchange
rates and mass transfer rates, making it an attractive technique in various
industrial processes. To investigate these mechanisms, a combination of
experimental and computational methods was used, including flow visualization
and numerical simulations. The study of vortex dynamics in impinging jets is
crucial for understanding the heat transfer mechanisms involved. The flow
characteristics of impinging jets, such as the Reynolds number (Re) of the jet,
the distance from the blowing mouth to the impinged wall, and the geometry of
the blowing mouth, significantly affect the vortex dynamics and heat transfer
rates. Therefore, optimizing these parameters can result in significant
improvements in heat transfer efficiency. Several methods were proposed to
enhance heat transfer, these methods can affect the flow dynamic, the surface
of impingement, the nozzle’s shape and size, and the impingement parameters
such as the impact distance and the jet angle. For example, investigations have
identified that optimal heat transfer took place at an inclination angle
between 40 and 90 degrees. In addition, studies have reported enhancement in
heat transfer with diamond orifices that reached up to 17%. The key findings of
this paperwork include the identification of optimal impingement parameters
that maximize heat transmission rates and the understanding of the significant
relationship between the dynamics of the flow and the acoustic emissions. For
instance, studies showed that synthetic jets can enhance convective heat
transfer by 3 times compare to natural convection. The correlation between the
flow dynamic and the heat transmission on one side, and the flow dynamics and
acoustic emission on the other side, emphasizes the researcher to present
acoustic-thermal coupled studies on the impinging jet; this topic needs more
effort to understand the relation between the two phenomena. The conclusion
highlights the significance of previous findings in industrial applications,
suggesting control mechanisms capable of reducing noise and enhancing heat
Aero-acoustics; Flow control: Heat transfer; Impinging jets; Vortex dynamics
Most impinging jets present complex flow dynamics as
shown by several authors (Dairay et al., 2015; Duda, Lagor, and
Fleischer, 2008; Beaubert and Viazzo, 2003). Despite
the large number of experiments and studies conducted on impinging jets in the
past decades (Matsuda,
Fukubayashi, and Hirose, 2017), this research topic is still
one of the most active research areas in thermofluid because of its fundamental
and applied importance (Moghadam, 2017). One of the most active research areas is the
mechanism of heat transmission in jets impinging at subsonic speeds. It is of
high importance due to its widespread use in the industry, like cooling of
turbine blades, annealing of glass, and drying of papers, among others.
Quite a few geometric and flow
properties affect the performance of heat transmission in impinging jets,
including the Reynolds number (Re) of the jet, geometry of the blowing mouth,
flow regime, angle at which the jet is impinging in addition to the distance
separating the blowing mouth and the wall being impinged, etc. (He and Liu 2018a;
2018b; El Hassan and Nobes, 2018; Nuntadusit et al., 2012; Gardon and
Akfirat, 1965).
It is important
to note that the complexity of this flow is mainly determined by certain
characteristics (Weidman,
2017; Zerrout, Khelil, and Loukarfi, 2017). These characteristics include the
development of boundary layers along the impinged wall's surface, as well as
the presence of jet instabilities and their interaction with the impinged wall.
Therefore, a thorough understanding of the flow dynamics and its correlation
with the transfer mechanisms is of high importance in order to define proper
flow control techniques both passive and active for particular industrial uses (Nastase and Bode, 2018; Hong and Cho, 2005; Hwang, Lee, and Cho, 2001).
This paperwork presents a literature summary of the
latest experimental and numerical investigations on jet flows impinging a
plate. The first industrial applications of impinging jets are represented.
Second, the link between the dynamics of the flow and the transmission of heat
in addition to the control methods that enhance heat transfer are the main
topics of this literature review. Third, the impact of the aero-acoustics on
the transfer of heat is discussed. Finally, perspectives on further analysis of
impinging jets and the development of control systems suitable for
industrial uses are proposed. Therefore, it is of interest to understand the
underlying phenomenon between the flow dynamics and heat transfer on one side,
in addition to the relation between aero-acoustics and heat transfer on the
other side, in order to find a control mechanism capable of enhancing heat
transfer and reducing the produced aero-acoustics.
Applications of Impinging Jets
Jet Impingement technique finds widespread use in the industry,
including cool cooling down of electrical components and turbine blades, glass
tempering, cryosurgery freezing of tissues, and paper drying, among others.
In gas turbines, the blades are subject to extremely high temperatures
due to the combustion of fuel. Therefore, if the blades are not adequately
cooled, they can deform or even melt, which can lead to engine failure. The
impinging jets can be designed to create different flow patterns on the surface
of the blade, such as radial or crossflow (Zuckerman and Lior, 2007; Chambers et al., 2005). These flow patterns can be optimized to provide maximum
cooling while minimizing the amount of coolant required. Overall, impinging
jets are a highly effective cooling technique for turbine blades, and they are
commonly used in modern gas turbines to ensure reliable and efficient
operation. To assess the effectiveness of jet impingement in various
industrial applications, multiple experiments and numerical studies have been
conducted (Forster and Weigand, 2021; Liu and Feng, 2011).
Moreover, impinging jets are often utilized and employed for cooling
electrical equipment, such as computer chips and power electronics. Electronic
devices generate heat during operation, and if this heat is not dissipated
properly, it can reduce the device's performance and even cause damage. Several
experiments were conducted to identify the performance of impinging jets in cooling
electrical components (Kercher
al., 2003; Cheng, Tay, and Hong, 2001). Results from previous studies show that higher jet speeds with larger
jet diameters led to a substantial rise in rates of heat transfer. Moreover,
the utilization of microjet cooling devices suggests that they can adhere to
traditional jet correlations with necessary adjustments made to correlation
parameters. The usage of cooling devices that employ microjets may be
particularly appealing in situations that require localized cooling, as they
can be targeted toward specific hot areas within a system.
Solar energy technologies have shown great potential as a replacement
for fossil fuels in electricity generation. However, solar collectors often
suffer from overheating and poor heat transfer, which can limit their
performance. To address this issue, cooling applications like jet impingement
cooling can be used to improve heat exchange rates and boost performance as
prescribed by Ewe
al. (2022). It is important to highlight the potential of jet impingement cooling
for improving the efficiency and reliability of solar energy systems and
provide valuable insights into the key factors that influence its performance.
Authors mentioned that, by optimizing different factors like the velocity of
the jet, the jet/surface separation distance, the shape of the nozzle, and the
rate of coolant flow, it is possible to enhance the effectiveness and
efficiency of jet impingement cooling. Moreover, jet impingement cooling can
also be used for other solar energy applications, such as cooling solar cells,
inverters, and battery systems.
Impinging jets are also found in drying processes where jets of air or
other gases having The high-velocity are directed onto the surface of a
material to be dried. The impact of the jets can help to break up surface
moisture and promote faster drying. Turkan et al. (2019) examined the thermal properties of a continuous industrial
drying process for semi-porous textile composites; impinging jets were employed
as a mean of enhancing the drying rate of a moist porous solid. The authors
aimed to investigate the effect of various parameters, such as nozzle-to-target
distance and jet velocity, on the heat exchange rate and drying rate of the moist
porous solid. The moist porous solid drying rate was found to be significantly
enhanced by impinging jets compared to natural convection drying.
In some food products freezing, refrigerant jets with high-velocities
are addressed onto the food product surface to be frozen. The impact of the
jets can promote faster and more efficient heat transfer, resulting in faster
freezing times and higher-quality frozen food products as stated by Anderson
and Singh (2006). Marazani,
Madyira, and Akinlabi (2017) provided an overview of research on impinging jets used for
fast freezing and cooling systems, including experimental, computational, and
theoretical models. It examines the key factors that govern the performance of
these systems.
Based on the literature review on impinging jets in different industrial applications, further understanding of the dynamics of the flow and its relationship with the transmission of heat in such flows would be helpful for system optimization and for developing proper control methods for heat transfer enhancement.
Interaction Between The Dynamics Of The Flow And Resultant Heat Transmission In
Impinging Jets
Dairay et al.
(2015) mentioned that impinging jets are
characterized by four main regions, as illustrated in Figure 1:
Region I, where
the flow is initiated to then reach the potential core's apex downstream from
the blowing mouth exit. This area, referred to as the potential core region
located in the flow central portion, maintains a consistent velocity where the
speed of the jet stays constant and equals to the blowing mouth exit speed.
Region II
develops downstream from region I where the centerline jet velocity is lower
than in the jet core and the flow starts to spread in the transversal
Region III
where the jet is diverted from the axial direction. This region contains the
stagnation region near the impinging plate.
Region IV, also
called the wall jet region, is where the driven flow thickens as the flow
boundary layer starts to develop within the impinging wall.
Figure 1 Flow jet regions of jet impinging a solid wall
Many experimental and numerical investigations were done for the
purpose of analyzing the correlation between vortex dynamics and the transfer
of heat at the wall. In this section, some of these studies are discussed.
Experimental investigations of the near-wall vortical structures in
impingement jets have been extensive (El
Hassan et
al., 2013; 2012; Hall and Ewing, 2006; Jambunathan et al., 1992; Martin,
1977). For example, Didden and Ho (1985) analyzed the unsteady separation of the boundary layer that
occurs when the flow impinges on a solid surface. The authors noted that
primary vortices develop in the jet shear layer and are advected radially in
the near-wall flow (region IV), while vortices rotating oppositely conveyed
along the radial axis and located closer to the wall are also observed, which
are referred to as secondary vortices. However, the emergence of these
secondary vortices occurs downstream of where the primary vortices were
initially detected. The viscous-inviscid interaction theory, as described by Didden
and Ho (1985), elucidated the mechanism behind the
impinging jet flow's unsteady separation. The primary vortices, situated in the
flow inviscid area, generate a fluctuating pressure gradient downstream,
resulting in an upward fluid motion. Consequently, an unstable boundary between
the viscous and inviscid areas emerges, which leads to the roll-up of an
oppositely rotating vortex. This vortex is associated with an unsteady boundary
layer separation caused by the shear-layer instability. While, the previous
experimental studies provided valuable insights into the vortical structures
formed near the wall, the study conducted by Martin (1977)
is limited due to the advancements in
both experimental and computational techniques since then. Moreover, the
analysis regarding the boundary layer separation conducted by Didden
and Ho (1985) could include simplifications in the
assumptions that could affect the accuracy of the proposed mechanism.
Moreover, over the past twenty years, several computational
investigations have been conducted to enhance our understanding of the
formation of large coherent structures in impinging jet flows (Lodato,
Vervisch, and Domingo, 2009; Beaubert and Viazzo, 2003; Tsubokura et al., 2003). The main focus of the author's work is to compare the
vortical structures of planes and round jets. Specifically, their simulations
identify secondary small coherent structures near the wall. In their LES study,
Hadžiabdic and Hanjalic (2008) investigated a turbulent jet with a Reynolds number of 23000 and a
separation length between the blowing mouth exit and the wall being impinged
H/D = 2. The authors' findings suggest that the predominant flow dynamics event
controlling the flow is the vortex roll-up taking place at the wall being
impinged. This event is closely linked to the creation of oppositely rotating
smaller vortices and the unstable boundary layer detachment phenomenon, all of
which directly influence the distribution of the mean heat exchange. Besides
the valuable insights into the dynamics of large coherent structures in
impinging jets provided by the previous computational investigations. However,
the accuracy of the conducted simulations depends on factors like turbulent
model, resolution of the grid, and boundary layer conditions, all of which have
a direct influence on the fidelity of the predicted flow characteristics.
To investigate the relationship between flow dynamics and the transfer
of heat, the authors recommend examining the pattern of the average heat
transfer and the primary velocity metrics within the studied flow, as suggested
by Dairay
al. (2015). On the impingement plate, the coefficient of the mean heat
transmission (h) is defined as the heat flux density (Qp) divided by
the variance in temperature between the mean wall temperature (Tw)
and the jet impinging temperature (Tj), where the radial distance
from the jet axis is represented by 'r'. The mean Nusselt number (
As previously mentioned, there are quite a few geometric and flow
factors that can control the performance of heat transfer of impacting jets
including, the Reynolds number (Re) of the jet, shape of the blowing mouth from
which the jet is issued, flow regime, angel of impingement, and distance
separating the plate from the nozzle’s exit, etc. Gardon and Akfirat (1965) demonstrated that the heat transfer rises as the Reynolds
number grows, while maintaining a descriptively comparable geometry. Two peaks
in the local mean heat transfer were observed after surpassing Re 2800 at
around radial distances of 0.5 and 2. Figure 2 illustrates the two local maxima of the mean heat exchange
for various Reynolds numbers at a distance from the blowing mouth to the
surface being impinged equal to 2. Lee and Lee (1999) found that the magnitudes of the 2 local peaks rise with increasing
Re. Other experimental investigations have explored the impact of nozzle type (Roux et al. 2011), nozzle to plate distance (He
and Liu, 2018a; Baughn, and James, 1989) and confinement (Ashforth-Frost,
Jambunathan, and Whitney, 1997) on mean heat exchange. It can be inferred from these
investigations that the secondary maximum in the Nu distribution is more
pronounced when using a convergent nozzle instead of a long tube for small
separations between the blowing mouth of the nozzle and the impinged plate (H/D
< 4). Despite being a common configuration in practical applications, the
installment of a plate with confinement can restrict the transfer of heat on
the impingement surface (Figure 3).
In order to understand the emergence of primary and secondary peaks in
the distribution of the mean Nusselt number, many investigations were done. Chung
and Luo (2002) and Chung,
Luo, and Sandham (2002) studied the relationship between the vortex patterns and the
fluctuation of heat transmission using Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS).
Results revealed that the changes in stagnation heat transmission are primarily
due to the impact of the primary vortices that emerge from the blowing mouth
exit. The nearly periodic variations in the impingement heat exchange are
caused by the quasi-periodic production of the primary vortices as a result of
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, although more complex and non-linear changes
occur as Reynolds numbers increase. According to Lee
and Lee (1999), the primary peak is linked to the accelerated radial flow at the
nozzle's edge.
al. (2011) linked the primary peak shown in the distribution of the mean Nusselt
number to the increase in turbulence intensity that happens as a result of
shear layer impingement. Several authors focused on understanding the emergence
of the secondary peak in the distribution of the mean Nusselt number, as for
most authors, the primary peak in heat transfer rate in jet impingement is
primarily caused by the impingement of the primary vortices. However, many
authors disagreed in determining the origin of the secondary peak.
According to Gardon and Akfirat, (1965), the appearance of a second optimum in the
al. (1992) proposed that the formation of annular structures, which are generated
by the jet shear layer, is responsible for the experience of a second peak in
the distribution of the mean Nusselt number. They suggested that these
structures contribute to the intensification of heat exchange in the region of
the secondary peak. Additionally, several other studies, such as those
conducted by Buchlin (2011), and Roux et al. (2011) and Vejrazka
al. (2005), supported the idea that a presence of a second extreme in the
distribution of Nusselt number is closely linked to the large-scale vortical
structures that form in the jet flow (region II).
In Popiel
and Trass (1991) authors used smoke-wire flow visualizations to obtain a more
profound understanding of the typical vortex pattern in both free and impinging
circular subsonic jets. They observed a development of smaller near-wall
vortices in the vicinity where a second peak in the mean distribution of heat
transmission is detected. These structures were found to be related to the large-scale
vortical structures, and the authors suggested that they could be in charge of
enhancing heat transmission in that region. On the other hand, according to Chung
and Luo (2002), the distribution of Nusselt numbers, which measure heat
exchange far from the area of jet/wall contact, is affected by the smaller
near-wall vortices, also known as secondary vortices, that result from the
primary vortices and the wall jets interactions.
However, additional research is required to completely comprehend the underlying mechanisms of the secondary maximum occurrence. Hadžiabdic and Hanjalic (2008) and Uddin, Neumann, and Weigand (2013) both used LES to investigate the link between heat transmission and vortical structures in turbulent jet impingement. Hadziabdic and Hanjalic found a correlation between the mean Nusselt number second extreme and the location of the secondary vortex, while Uddin, Neumann, and Weigand (2013) observed regions of significant heat transfer, referred to as cold spots, which were directly related to radially elongated coherent structures. Table 1 presents a summary of the key findings from previous studies that examine the direct connection between heat transfer and flow dynamics. The collection of experimental and computational investigations presented in this section provides a thorough comprehension of the intricate relationship between flow dynamics and heat transmission in impinging jet flows. However, it is crucial to critically evaluate the conducted studies to draw reliable conclusions that can effectively guide future research.
Figure 2 Local Nusselt number for
different Reynolds numbers at H/D = 2.
Figure 3 Jet impingement confinement plate is installed
Table 1 Summary of the main studies on the relationship between heat transfer
and flow dynamics
Paper |
Objectives |
Methods |
Results |
Gardon and
Akfirat, (1965) |
To examine how turbulence impacts the
transfer of heat characteristics when a jet impinges a solid surface. |
the velocity measurements and turbulence distributions. |
·2 distinct
spikes in the local mean heat transfer were noticed after surpassing Re 2800 at around radial distances of 0.5 and 2. ·The 2nd
peak in the average Nu distribution can be assigned to the fact that the
laminar boundary layer is transitioned to a turbulent boundary layer. |
Lee and Lee
(1999) |
To explore the features of heat
transmission when a jet impinges on a flat surface symmetrically to examine
the impacts of various flow characteristics such as Re, the separation that
exists between the blowing mouth and the impinged flat surface, and the
diameter of the blowing mouth on the rate of heat transfer within the
stagnation region. |
thermo-chromic liquid crystal (TLC) and digital image processing techniques. ·Re ranging
from 5,000 to 30,000. The separation distance between the plate and the
nozzle used is H/D = 2, 4, 6, and 10. |
·The heat
transfer rate rises as Re grows, nozzle diameter decreases, and H/D decreases. ·The
primary peak is linked to the accelerated radial flow at the nozzle's edge.
The 2nd peak contributed to the boundary layer transition from a
smooth, laminar boundary layer to a turbulent one. |
Cooper et al.
(1993) |
To provide hydrodynamic data for impinging
jet flow conditions that can be used for turbulence-model evaluation. Also to
assess the performance of turbulence models for impinging jet flows. |
Reynolds numbers were studied experimentally (2.3 x 10^4 and 7 x 10^4), at
different separation distances between the impinged wall and the blowing
mouth (varying from 2 to 10). ·Computational
simulations to compare with experimental data. |
that exhibit poor (or good) predictions of the mean flow also demonstrate
corresponding poor (or good) predictions for the turbulence data. ·The
secondary peak can also appear in a fully turbulent boundary layer, calling
into question the study done by Lee and Lee (1999). |
Roux et al. (2011) |
To examine how acoustic excitation affects
both the flow parameters and the transfer of heat when a jet strikes a solid
flat surface. |
nozzle that produced a laminar jet that impinged onto a flat plate. ·Thermocouples
to measure surface temperature. ·Particle
Image Velocimetry (PIV). ·The jet
was subjected to acoustic excitation by a loudspeaker. |
coefficient of heat transfer rises when the excitation amplitude and
frequency are increased. ·In the
near-wall region, the size and number of vortices of the jet have changed due
to excitations. ·Authors
linked the primary peak to the increase in turbulence intensity that happens
when the shear layer impacts the solid flat surface. The second peak is
linked to the smaller-scale vortical structure formed near the solid flat
surface. |
Chung and Luo (2002) |
To investigate the unstable transfer of
heat-induced when a jet impinges on a flat plate from a confined nozzle
configuration. The authors aim to comprehend how both vortical structures
(primary and secondary vortices) formed when the jet impacts the flat surface
influence the distribution of Nu. |
Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) to simulate the dynamics of the flow and
the transfer of heat. ·Reynolds
numbers are varied and two separation distances between the plate and the
blowing mouth (nozzle) are tested to investigate the effects on the heat
transmission. |
quasi-periodic generation of primary vortices which results from the
Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities was responsible for the nearly periodic
fluctuations observed in heat transmission of the jet impingement. ·As the
Reynolds numbers increased, the fluctuations became more chaotic and
non-linear. ·The
changes in the stagnation transfer of heat are primarily due to the impact of
the Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices that emerge from the blowing mouth exit. ·The 2nd optimum in the distribution of mean Nusselt
number is linked to secondary vortices formed as a fact of primary
vortices/wall interaction. |
Table 1 Summary of the main studies on the relationship between heat transfer
and flow dynamics (Cont.)
Paper |
Objectives |
Methods |
Results |
Jambunathan et
al. (1992) |
To review and critically analyze
experimental data concerning the heat exchange rate when a jet impacts a
solid surface in turbulent conditions, encompassing Re within the range of
5,000-124,000. The authors aim to derive a correlation for the Nusselt number
that accurately predicts heat transfer coefficients for this system. |
data from various literature sources were collated and critically reviewed. ·Extrapolation
of data was implemented to obtain coefficients of wall jet heat transmission.
·Up to a
certain value and at a certain distance from the stagnation point the Nu does not depend on the distance separating the
blowing mouth and the solid surface. ·The
authors derived a new correlation for the Nusselt number able to accurately
predict heat exchange coefficients for the system. ·The
formation of annular structures, which are generated by the jet shear layer,
is responsible for experiencing a 2nd peak in the distribution of
the average Nu. |
Hadžiabdic and
Hanjalic (2008) |
To investigate the vortical and turbulence
patterns in jet impinging a solid wall and examine their relation with the
heat transfer at specific locations. |
Simulations (LES) to generate instantaneous velocity and temperature fields
of a round jet issued from a long pipe and impinges normally on a solid wall
at Re = 20,000 and a separation distance between the impinged plate and the
orifice equals to 2.
predominant flow dynamics event controlling the flow is the vortex roll-up
taking place at the wall being impinged. ·The
primary flow dynamics event is linked to the creation of opposing smaller
vortices and the intermittent separation of the boundary layer, both of which
directly influenced the distribution of the average Nu. ·A direct
link between the mean Nu second extreme and the location of the secondary
smaller vortical structure is found. |
Neumann, and Weigand (2013) |
To examine the flow properties and the
characteristics of heat transmission when a cold jet strikes normally on a
heated plate to clarify the factors that contribute to the emergence of the 2nd
optimum in the radial distribution of the target wall Nu. |
Simulations (LES) were employed for Re varying between 13,000 and 23,000,
estimated based on the jet's diameter and bulk velocity. The non-dimensional
separation between the blowing mouth and the surface of the impingement was
set at 2.
·The 2nd
optimum in the radial distribution of Nu at the target wall is due to the
formation of a secondary vortex that promotes the transfer of heat from the
stagnation zone toward the impingement wall. ·The
authors observed regions of significant heat transfer, referred to as cold
spots, which were directly related to radially elongated coherent structures. |
Control Methods To Enhance Heat Transfer In Impinging
Since striking jets are widely used for industrial
purposes, the enhancement of heat exchange in striking jets is of significant
importance. Several studies proposed control mechanisms for the enhancement of
heat transmission by impinging jets.
The control of the heat exchange between the flow and the
plate consists generally of controlling the flow on one hand or varying the
surface properties on the other hand. One of the methods to control the flow
dynamic was proposed by Cho, Lee, and Kim
who added a coflowing stream around the main nozzle periphery. This method
leads to disturbing the shear layer and enhances the heat transmission on the
plate by up to 20%. Another flow control was proposed by Zumbrunnen and Aziz
who demonstrated that the convective heat transfer coefficient for intermittent
flows is two times that of the steady flow. In addition, they examined the
effect of the frequency of intermittency on the convective heat transmission
enhancement and found a monotonical dependence between the two parameters.
Several studies found the advantage of oscillating jets
on the heat transfer compared to stationary jets. This proposition was proved
by Camci and Herr
Liu and Sullivan
(1996) studied
the heat transmission for a jet excited with its natural frequency and the
subharmonics, for an impact ratio H/D < 2. The authors found that the excitation
of the jet can raise or reduce the heat transmission, depending
on the excitation frequency: a frequency near to the natural frequency produces
random vortical structures, which are responsible for the transfer enhancement.
However, the excitation with the subharmonic gives a stable vortex pairing
which generates the unsteady separation of the surface boundary layer and
results in a reduction in the transfer of heat rate. Similar work was made by Poh et al. (2004),
who demonstrated that, after testing different Reynolds numbers, impact ratio
H/d, and pulsation frequency f, the configuration of Re=300, f=5 Hz, and H/d=9
gives the maximum heat exchange.
Hwang, Lee, and Cho (2001)
proposed control of the vortex structures by acoustic excitation, they found that
for Strouhal numbers equal to 2.4 and 3 (blowing case), the length of the
potential core of the jet increases and the turbulence intensity decreases,
which leads to reduction of the local heat transfer and the formation of
secondary peak. However, for Strouhal number equal 1.3 (suction case), the flow
has a shorter potential core and higher turbulence intensity, and then stronger
heat transfer.
All the
previous studies explore various flow control techniques like coflowing
streams, intermittent flows, and oscillating jets capable of enhancing heat
transfer in impinging jet systems. Even though, these methods show promising
increases in heat transmission rates, it is very important to evaluate their
practicality and efficiency for previously mentioned industrial applications.
The transfer
of heat in impinging jets depends on the geometry of the nozzle. Lee and Lee (2000) studied
the effect of the aspect ratio (AR) of an elliptic nozzle on heat exchange
enhancement. Experiments were carried out for 5 values including AR = 1
(axisymmetric jet). For a small impact distance, the heat exchange rate
increases when the aspect ratio increases. Similar work was made by Koseoglu and Baskaya (2010),
who tested the aspect ratio for both elliptic and rectangular jets, and found
that the transmission of heat increases in the stagnation point when the aspect
ratio increases, for both types of jet. Gao, Sun, and Ewing (2003)
examined the performance of adding triangular tabs to the round nozzle. Different
nozzle-to-plate distances have been examined. This system was found to give
rise to the transfer of heat rate by more than 25% for small impact distance.
methods of heat enhancement consisting of controlling the surface properties
were proposed by Rallabandi et
al. (2010) and
de Lemos and
Fischer (2008).
de Lemos and Fischer (2008) simulated
numerically the effect of the presence of the porous layer on the impacted
plate on the convective heat transfer. They found that the presence of the
porous layer causes the disappearance of the second peak in the Nusselt number,
and the total heat transfer is enhanced for a certain range of layer thickness,
porosity, and thermal conductivity ratio between the layer and the plate. Rallabandi et al. (2010) Examined
the effect of having element roughness on the heat transmission enhancement for
impinging jet, using staggered and inclined ribs, and porous foam material.
They found a 50 to 90% increase in heat change due to axial ribs, and a well
noticed rise in the coefficient of heat exchange when the porous foam was used.
In the same context, Ekkad and
Kontrovitz (2002) examined
the effect of surface dimples on heat exchange. The results obtained were
normalized by those of the plane plate to compare the changes in heat that
occurred. It was found that the dimpled surface has a lower heat exchange
coefficient than the non-dimpled one. Another enhancement method consisting of
a micro structured impingement surface was investigated by Ndao et al. (2012).
The surface consists of 64 circular pin fins with a diameter of 125 and a
height of 230
. A pitch of 250
with an enhancement area ratio
A_Total/A_base =2.44has been chosen. They demonstrated an enhancement of 200%
in the heat transfer compared to a plate without fins.
properties described by previous investigations such as porous layers, ribbed
surfaces, dimples, and micro-structured surfaces, provide innovative approaches
to enhance the rates of heat transfers. However, it is of vital importance to
assess the manufacturability, cost-effectiveness, and durability of
implementing such modification on the surface for practical uses.
The heat
transmission is also related to the impact angle between the jet and the plate,
this topic was been studied by Beitelmal, Saad, and Patel (2000).
Experiments were carried out for different parameters like the spacing between
the wall of impingement and the blowing mouth, the Reynolds number, and the
impact angle. The results show the Nusselt number’s dependence on the impact
angle for different Re and impact ratios. It shows that the highest Nusselt
decreases when the angle of inclination at which the jet is impinging
decreases, for all configurations, in addition to a shift in the diagrams to
the left side of the plate.
Deberland and Rhakasywi
examined how
the shape of the orifice in an impinging synthetic jet affects the cooling
performance pf a heated surface. Results showed that square orifices which
covers a larger area and having a higher entrainment rate, resulted in a
greater temperature drop and better heat transfer performance when compared to
circular orifices.
Nguyen et al. (2009a) Investigated experimentally the
convective transfer of heat for a confined and submerged impinging Al2O3-water
nanofluid jet. The authors have tested different parameters such as Re, Pr,
impact ratio, and size of Al2O3 particles. They found
that, for specific values of impact distance and particle volume fraction, the
use of nanofluids can enhance the heat exchange. In addition, for a particle
volume fraction higher than 6%, the use of nanofluids was found not appropriate
for transfer enhancement. Another study based on nanofluids was proposed by (Barewar, Tawri, and Chougule, 2019; Septiadi et al., 2019),
who compared the heat exchange between a ZnO nanofluids jet and a water jet,
and demonstrated a considerable enhancement in the coefficient of heat exchange
for ZnO nanofluids coolant.
Klein and Hetsroni (2012) Proposed
a control mechanism that consisted of the actuating slab in the impinging
plate. The study was carried out for steady impinging laminar microjets. They
found that this mechanism can increase heat transfer by up to 34%. A passive
control mechanism which consists of air-augmented ducts were investigated
experimentally and numerically by Nuntadusit, Wae-hayee, and Kaewchoothong (2018).
Different duct diameters and lengths have been tested. The results show that
the air-augmented duct increases the heat transfer by 25.42% compared to the conventional
Ai, Xu, and Zhao (2017)
studied experimentally the heat transfer in the case of movable nozzle.
Different nozzle velocities have been tested using a stepper motor. The results
were compared to the fixed nozzle case. It was found that the nozzle movement
enhances convection by increasing the transfer rate and the uniformity of
temperature distribution. The increase in heat transfer can reach more than
40%ncomparing to the fixed nozzle.
Nuntadusit et al. (2012) studied
the effect of the twist ratio in swirling imping jet on the heat transfer.
Experiments were carried out for 5 ratios. Authors have found that the maximum
enhancement is acquired at a low ratio of 3.64. Kaewchoothong et al. (2014) investigated
experimentally and numerically the performance of expansion pipe nozzle with
holes in the enhancement of heat exchange. Different impact distances and a
number of holes were examined. Results revealed that the existence of holes can
enhance the change of heat up to 6.4% for 4 holes at an impact ratio of 4.
Dynamically, the presence of holes allows the ambient air to enter the duct and
reduce its entrainment with the main jet.
recently, Nimmagadda, Lazarus, and Wongwises (2019) studied
the consequences of the magnetic field on the heat transmission of a water jet
impinging on a stationary and vibrating plate. Results show an enhancement in
the heat transmission in the case of the stationary plate by 36.18% in the
presence of the magnetic field of Ha = 80. However, opposite results were
obtained in the case of the vibrating plate and a reduction in the heat
transmission was observed. Furthermore, Diop et al. (2022) investigated
the result of adding mist to the flow of the heat exchange behavior. Different
impact ratios and velocity inlet have been tested, the results show an
enhancement in the case of the presence of the mist, which reaches 21% and 32%
for a mist mass flow rate of 3 mg/s and 6 mg/s, respectively. Table 2 presents
a summary of previous studies on the control methods used in the enhancement of
heat exchange.
Overall, further research is needed for optimization of previously mentioned methods for specific industrial uses. Factors like energy efficiency, manufacturability, scalability, and cost-effectiveness should be considered especially when dealing with the industry.
When a turbulent flow strikes a rigid wall, the
fluid-solid interaction can generate, in certain configurations Rockwell and
Naudascher (1979),
acoustic waves which lead to acoustic discomfort. The acoustic waves, called
self-sustaining tones, are generated by the wall pressure fluctuations which
propagate backward as pressure oscillations, called feedback loops, disturb the
shear layer and produce the self-sustaining tones Ho and Nosseir
The first theory about aerodynamic noise Lighthill (1954) proves the
direct relation between the turbulence and the emitted noise, and models
mathematically the propagated wave taking the turbulence as a source of sound.
This theory emphasizes the effort to describe the turbulence dynamics to
understand the acoustic emission, as well as to control turbulence structure to
reduce the generated noise (Alkheir et al., 2021; Arya and De, 2021;
Assoum et al. 2021; 2020; Hamdi et al., 2020; Alkheir et al.,
2020; Hamdi et al., 2019; El Hassan and Keirsbulck, 2017; Assoum et
al., 2017; Abed-Meraïm, Assoum, and Sakout, 2016; Assoum, Sakout, and
Abed-Meraim, 2014; Dhamanekar and Srinivasan, 2014; 2013; El Hassan et al., 2012;
Miron et al., 2012; Uzun et al., 2011; Ramakrishnan et al.,
2009; Keirsbulck et al., 2008; Henning et al., 2008; Zhang, 2000).
Whereas, the previous studies on the heat transmission by impinging jet
(mentioned in section 3) found a direct link between the change of heat and the
turbulence dynamics. This indicates the presence of an indirect relation
between the acoustic field and heat transfer since the two phenomena are
related to the turbulence behavior of the jet. From this point, several works
have been proposed as acoustic-heat coupled studies of impinging jets.
Two scenarios can be distinguished in this domain: the
enhancement of the heat exchange using the acoustic excitation, and the control
of the acoustic emission by heating or cooling the impingement plate. In this
context, Seeley et al.
studied the effect of acoustic resonance on heat transfer enhancement, using
synthetic jets obtained from two piezoelectric resonators. Based on CFD and
acoustics models, they found that the synthetic jet increase the convection
heat exchange more than 3 times that of natural convection. Similar work has
been proposed by Arik (2007), which
tested the effect of a synthetic jet, obtained from acoustic abatement with
sine waves, on heat enhancement. Experiments were carried out at different operating
frequencies between 3 and 4.5 kHz, and different parameters such as the impact
ratio and the heater power, to find the best combination that gives the maximum
heat exchange. In addition, the study also compared two different sizes of
heaters. The results indicate that the enhancement can vary from 4 to 10 times
compared to natural convection. Acoustic measurements revealed a noise level
exceeding 65 dB, which prompted the authors to suggest exploring alternative
techniques for generating the synthetic jet.
Oppositely, Gustavsson et
al. (2010)
investigated the consequences of the temperature of a jet on the acoustic
generation, for jets impinging at supersonic speeds. This work is similar to that
of Lepicovsky et
al. (1988).
In a previous test, the authors proved that the acoustic frequency varies with
the jet temperature. The configuration was chosen to simulate a hot jet as used
in aircraft landing, so a large-scale facility consisting of a 36.2 mm diameter
nozzle and an operating temperature of up to 1030K was used. It was found that
the temperature does not eliminate the tones, but transforms them to a
high-frequency broadband noise. In the continuation of their study, the authors
compared three geometric configurations on the acoustic emission for a
supersonic jet with a Mach number equal to 1.5 and different temperatures. The
three configurations were: normal impingement, oblique impingement, and jet
blast deflector impingement. Results indicate that, differently from the normal
impingement, oblique and jet blasts did not produce tones at low temperatures,
however, the tones appeared at elevated temperatures. In addition, the unsteady
load was found important at high impact distance, this is due to the reversed
flow from the surface, entrainment in the shear layer of the main jet because
of jet spreading, and interaction between the main jet and the deck surface
which lead to grazing wall jet.
Table 2
Summary of previous studies on the control methods used in the enhancement of
heat transfer
Control |
Metrology |
Method |
results | |
Cho, Lee, and Kim
(1998) |
streams around the main jet. |
Thermocouple. |
coflowing stream was added to a circular jet impacting a heated wall. The
measurements of velocity and temperature were obtained by hot wire and
thermocouples respectively. |
in the jet characteristics and enhancement of about 20% in heat transfer. |
Zumbrunnen and
Aziz (1993) |
Intermittent flow. |
Hot film probe, thermocouple. |
Rotating wheels with blades
were used to create intermittent circular jets. The measurements of velocity
and temperature by hot fil probe and thermocouples respectively. |
Enhancement in heat exchange by
a factor of 2 compared to steady jet. |
Camci and Herr
(2002) |
jet. |
Hot film
probe, thermocouple. |
A feedback
tube creates the self-oscillation of a circular jet. Velocity
and temperature measurements by hot fil probe and thermocouples respectively. |
oscillation enhances the heat transfer. |
Liu and Sullivan
(1996) |
Acoustic excitation of the jet. |
fluorescent technique, hot film sensor. |
Circular jet excited using
speaker impinging on a heated plate. Velocity and temperature
measurements by hot film sensor and fluorescent paint, video recording using
CCD camera. |
Enhancement in heat exchange
when the jet is excited by its natural frequency. Reduction in the heat exchange
when the jet is excited with subharmonic frequency. |
Table 2
Summary of previous studies on the control methods used in the enhancement of
heat transfer (Cont.)
Authors |
Control |
Metrology |
Method |
Main results |
Poh et al.
(2004) |
Flow pulsations. |
Finite Volume CFD. |
A circular oscillating jet impinging on a heated plate
was simulated using Fluent 6.0. |
Best heat performance at Re=300, f=5Hz, and H/D=9. |
Lee and Lee
(2000) |
the aspect ratio of the elliptic jet. |
liquid crystal thermometry, smoke wire technique. |
elliptic jet with different AR impinging on a heated plate was used. CCD
cameras were used for temperature visualization of liquid crystals. Smoke
wire with cameras was used for flow visualization. |
heat transfer increases with increasing the aspect ratio for small impact
distance. |
Koseoglu and
Baskaya (2010) |
Changing the inlet geometry. |
3D low Reynolds number k-? model. Thermochromic liquid crystal technique, LDA. |
Elliptic, circular, and rectangular jets impacting a
heated plate were tested. Numerical and experimental work was carried on to
obtain velocity and temperature data. |
Increasing AR of all types of nozzle with equal section
area leads to an enhancement in the heat transfer. |
Gao, Sun, and
Ewing (2003) |
triangular tabs to the round nozzle. |
thermography, AN anemometry, and HWA. |
10, and 16 tabs were added to a circular nozzle. Velocity
and temperature measurements by AN2000 anemometer and IR camera respectively. |
than 25% enhancement in the heat exchange. |
de Lemos and
Fischer (2008) |
Adding a cover of porous material to the plate. |
CFD. |
Simulation of rectangular jet striking a heated plate
covered with a porous material layer |
Decrease the peak in the Nusselt number distribution. Enhancement in heat flux for values certain values of
layer thickness, porosity, and thermal conductivity ratio. |
Rallabandi et
al. (2010) |
ribs to the plate. |
liquid crystal, mass flowrate sensor. CFD.
and inline ribs were added to the impingement plate, and jets with different
aspect ratios and flow channels were used. |
increase in heat transfer in both configurations |
Ekkad and
Kontrovitz (2002) |
Adding dimples to the plate. |
Liquid crystal thermometry. |
Inline and staggered dimples were tested using an image
processing system (RGB camera, CCD camera …). |
TheThe heat exchange is reduced compared to the case without
dimples. |
Ndao et al. (2012) |
pin fin structures to impingement surface. |
CFD. |
simulation of a circular jet impinging a plate with micro pins was carried
out. |
increase in the heat exchange rate. |
Beitelmal, Saad,
and Patel (2000) |
Inclination of impinging plate. |
Thermocouples. |
The impacted surface was inclined between 45 and 90
degrees. The temperature was measured using thermocouples. |
Shifting in the region of maximum heat transfer |
Nguyen et al.
(2009b) |
of Al2O3-Water nanofluid. |
Thermocouples. |
nmAl2O3 particle water nanofluid was projected on a
heated plate. The temperature measurements were carried out using
thermocouples. |
particles with a volume fraction higher than 6% were found not suitable for
heat transfer enhancement. |
Barewar, Tawri,
and Chougule (2019) |
Using nanoparticles with a water jet. |
Thermocouples. |
DI water and ZnO nanofluids with different
concentrations were added to a circular jet striking a heated copper plate. |
Significant enhancement in the case of using ZnO
nanofluids. |
Table 2
Summary of previous studies on the control methods used in the enhancement of
heat transfer (Cont.)
Authors |
Control |
Metrology |
Method |
Main results |
Klein and
Hetsroni (2012) |
Using actuating slab. |
IR thermography. |
Circular jet impacting a heated plate with an actuating
slab that moves up and down. |
34% enhancement in the coefficient of heat change. |
Nuntadusit, Wae-hayee,
and Kaewchoothong (2018) |
of swirling jet. |
and bleu dye technique. |
swirling jet impinging a heated plate in a rig test was used. Different twist
ratios were tested. |
in heat exchange was acquired for a swirl number of 0.4. |
Ai, Xu, and Zhao
(2017) |
Moving nozzle. |
Thermocouples. |
Stepper motors with regulating speed were used to
create a jet with a movable nozzle. The heated plate was fixed and
thermocouples were used to measure the temperature. |
Increase in the heat transmission and temperature
uniformity at higher nozzle velocity. |
Kaewchoothong et
al. (2014) |
pipe nozzle with air entrainment holes. |
CFD. |
numerical simulation of a system consisting of an expansion pipe blowing
mouth with a different number of air entrainment holes was performed to test
the performance of the system on the heat exchange characteristics. |
up to 6.4% in case of 4 holes and impact ratio of 4. |
Nimmagadda, Lazarus,
and Wongwises (2019) |
Magnetic field around the plate. |
CFD. |
The multi-physical simulation was carried out to study
the impact of the magnetic field on the heat exchange in the case of a water
jet striking on a fixed and vibrating plate. |
Enhancement in the heat transfer in the case of fixed
plate up to 36.18% with a magnetic field of 80 Ha. Reduction in the heat exchange rate in the case of
vibrating plate. |
Diop et al. (2022) |
adding. |
Thermocouples. |
mist with different concentrations was added to a jet hitting a heated plate.
Thermocouples were utilized to compute the surface temperature. |
addition of mist increases the heat transfer rate by 21% for a mist
concentration of 3mg/s and 32% for a concentration of 6 mg/s. |
A coupled
study was investigated by Bhapkar,
Srivastava, and Agrawal (2013),
who studied the outcomes of operating parameters including orifice dimensions,
Reynolds number, impact distance, stock number, and inclination angle on both
acoustic fields, and transfer of heat, for a circular synthetic jet impacting a
heated plate. The objective was a little different from the studies presented
above. The authors were interested in finding a configuration that gives the
maximum heat transfer enhancement and low acoustic noise. They proved that the
maximum heat transmission was obtained for an inclination angle between 40 and
90 degrees, for all impact distances. Furthermore, the authors compared an
elliptic jet to a circular, rectangular, and square jet with the same
equivalent diameter, to find the out-turn of utilizing an orifice shape on the
acoustic emission and heat exchange Bhapkar,
Srivastava, and Agrawal (2014).
They found that, for the elliptic jet, an aspect ratio of 1.4 gives a maximum
heat transfer at an impact ratio of 3. Compared to other orifice shapes, the
elliptic one has the best performance for an impact ratio lower than 6.
However, for higher impact distances, circular and square orifices are better.
Finally, the author highlighted the strong correlation between acoustic and
heat transfer behavior, which needs more effort to relate the two phenomena.
A similar study was made by Mangate and
Chaudhari (2015)
who studied two other shapes: diamond and oval orifices. The excitation
frequency of the synthetic jet was taken in the range of 100 to 250 Hz, and the
impact ratio was between 0 and 16. They calculated the average heat transfer
coefficient and the sound pressure level in order to inspect the acoustic
properties in addition to the properties of heat transfer. Results show an
enhancement in the heat transmission with a value of 17% for the diamond
orifice and 7% for the oval orifice compared to the circular jet at the
operating frequency of 200 Hz. However,
there is a decrease in sound pressure level of 7% for both orifices, as
compared to the circular jet. These findings are highly significant in terms of
achieving an optimal balance between heat enhancement and noise reduction.
Recently, Mrach et al. (2020) studied the
effect of the plate temperature on the acoustic noise produced in the event of
a rectangular jet impacting a slotted plate. This configuration corresponds to
a slot noise listed in Rockwell and
Naudascher (1979).
The authors found a change in the sound pressure level by 10% when the plate
was heated, in addition to the change in the acoustic spectrum during the heating
process. This study indicates a high correlation between thermal and acoustic
characteristics of impinging jets, and needs further work to understand the
change in the turbulence dynamic due to the plate heating.
Based on previous studies in this section,
continued research in this area is essential for having the potential to
improve both the fundamental understanding of the complex relationship between
flow dynamics, heat transmission, and acoustics, especially in practical uses
of impinging jet systems where many factors are capable of influencing the
system’s performance.
In conclusion, this review paper has provided valuable
insights into impinging jet flow dynamics and their important role in various
industrial applications. Controlling the flow dynamics by adjusting the design
of the nozzle, the impingement distance, and flow rates, enhancement and
improvement in heat transfer rates on the performance of previously mentioned
industrial applications can be achieved. Synthetic jets were found to enhance
convective heat transfer by over 300% compared to natural convection. Also,
maximum heat transfer was achieved at inclination angles between 40 and 90
degrees of impinging jet. Additionally, heat transmission improved by 17% when
jet impinges from a diamond orifices and the sound pressure levels decreased by
7% compared to jets impinging from a circular orifice. Moreover, this paperwork
highlights the need for further research to explore the complex relationship
between aero-acoustics emissions and heat transfer of jet impingement.
Therefore, understanding the acoustic implications in industrial systems is
very important to address concerns that are directly related to ensuring
acoustic comfort in practical applications. As a result, future research in
this field must focus on developing advanced computational techniques and
conducting extensive experimental studies in addition to exploring control
strategies to have more advanced knowledge in fluid dynamics, heat transfer,
and aero-acoustics. This will pave the way for more efficient and sustainable
industrial processes.
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