Published at : 28 Jun 2023
Volume : IJtech
Vol 14, No 4 (2023)
Tresna Priyana Soemardi | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI Depok, 16424, Indonesia |
Olivier Polit | Laboratoire Energétique Mécanique Electromagnétisme, Université Paris Nanterre, Ville d'Avray, 92410, France |
Fanya Salsabila | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI Depok, 16424, Indonesia |
Ardy Lololau | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI Depok, 16424, Indonesia |
The fabrication of a natural prepreg with
poly-lactic acid (PLA) matrix and ramie fiber reinforcement was engineered on a
laboratory scale by impregnating the unidirectional and bidirectional ramie
fiber with PLA matrix solvent on a glass die. The obtained composite prepreg
has been stored at a very low temperature to maximize its shelf life. Tensile
and biodegradability tests of the composite laminates prepared by the
hot-pressing method have also been conducted. Tensile test results show that
the freezer-stored bidirectional 0/90° prepreg laminate specimen has the
highest tensile strength of 71.44 MPa with a modulus of 2.70 GPa on average. Meanwhile,
the unstored bidirectional 0/90° prepreg laminate specimen has the highest
level of elasticity, with a modulus of 1.29 GPa on average. The
biodegradability test shows the decomposition process of the composite laminate
under actual composting conditions. Microscopic observation of the damaged
specimen results shows good adhesion between the PLA matrix and ramie fiber and
the decomposition of the biodegradability test samples.
Composite; Natural prepreg; Polylactic Acid (PLA); Ramie fiber
Natural fiber-reinforced polymer (NFRP) has been a
trend in composite materials research and engineering (John et al., 2008). It offers the biodegradable advantages of a composite (Lotfi et al., 2019) and the comparable mechanical strength (Holbery and Houston, 2006) to the conventional synthetic ones (Faruk et al., 2012). Polylactic acid (PLA) is a biodegradable polymer that has become the
most pledging biodegradable material that has been used as a matrix in a
composite material due to its vulnerability to bacteria (Siakeng et al., 2019). It is frequently used to replace synthetic polymers to address the
disposal (environmental) problem (Alsaeed et al., 2013) we have faced in the recent decade. PLA is environmentally friendly and
can be decomposed naturally. PLA also had good physical and mechanical
properties (Bhardwaj and Mohanty, 2007). Furthermore, the usage of PLA as a matrix to natural fiber-reinforced
composite will bring out the maximum potential of fully biodegradable
On the other hand, ramie fiber has been used as reinforced in PLA composites due to its strength superiority among the stem fibers. Consequently, PLA and ramie fiber have been considered the most common natural constituents in biodegradable composite (Lololau et al., 2021) as a ramie fiber-reinforced polylactic-acid (RFRPLA).
Unfortunately, its composites still have to be
fabricated in conventional procedures. It can be improved by using a prepreg or
pre-impregnation during its preparation. Prepregs or pre-impregnated composites
are semi-finished composite products made by impregnating a textile/fabric
architecture of a fiber reinforcement with a thermoplastic or thermoset matrix
(resins). Therefore, a prepreg can be defined as a preform braided structure of
the reinforcement used as a composite (Potluri and Nawaz, 2011). Composite prepregs reduce the risk of poor impregnation quality by
ensuring that the amount of each constituent is correct and interacts well (Duhovic and Bhattacharyya, 2011). It will also reduce the risk of possible composite processing defects,
such as applying complex geometries like curvature indentations (Wang et al., 2020). Prepreg is generally used as a material for manufacturing components
in the aircraft industry because of its advantages: having a high track and
drape, which is useful for components with complex shapes (Seferis et al., 2011).
The reinforcing fiber in the prepreg will still be
aligned as it was before during the manufacturing process. Consequently, it is
considered suitable and capable of making parts with lower fiber defects with
excellent characteristics (Cairns et al., 2001). Prepreg has a very good performance compared to other forms of
composite materials. This material is suitable for manufacturing composite
parts that are very light but can bear significant loads (Wolff-Fabris et al., 2016). Prepregs require good storage, i.e., away from direct sunlight, heat,
and strong chemicals. To extend its shelf life, prepregs need to be stored at
temperatures below 0°C (Bhatnagar et al., 2006). The method of prepreg preparation on composites (especially
thermoplastics) with natural fiber reinforcement can be carried out by spinning
the reinforcing yarn with matrix filaments (Baghaei and Skrifvars, 2016; Baghaei et al., 2015; Baghaei et al., 2013). Another study also conducted the preparation by hot-rolling a matrix
sheet with reinforcing fabrics (McGregor et al., 2017). Preparation of prepregs can also be carried out by dissolving the
matrix granules into a solvent compound, which is then used to impregnate the
reinforcing fabrics (He et al., 2019).
Due to the gap from the predecessor studies, this
research had brought in the engineered fabrication of fully biodegradable
composite materials of ramie fiber as reinforcement and PLA as the matrix on a laboratory
scale by using a manual solvent casting impregnation method. Also, this
research aimed to determine the characteristic of its biodegradability,
interface bonding, and tensile properties.
2.1. Materials
Ramie plain-woven fabric was supplied by Guangzhou
Xinzhi Textile Co., Ltd. (China), and Bio-poly 103 PLA granules were chosen as
the matrix from Shanghai Huiang Industrial Co., Ltd. (China). Meanwhile, NaOH
and dichloromethane were supplied by a local distributor PT. Indogen Intertama
2.2. Prepreg preparation
Two types of reinforcement were fabricated: unidirectional and
bidirectional. The bidirectional will be prepared in 0/90° and ±45° fabrics.
The ramie fabric used in this study is a plain weave type. The ramie woven
fabric was cut into 250 × 190 mm2. Then, some of those cut woven yarn is yanked in the perpendicular
direction to make a unidirectional fabric reinforcement. Since the ramie fiber
has hydrophilic properties and PLA has hydrophobic properties, it is necessary
to apply a surface treatment to the ramie fiber to increase the interfacial
adhesion between both constituents (He et al., 2019). Ramie fiber was soaked in NaOH solution (5% wt) with a ratio of fiber
and solution of 1:10 for 2 hours, then rinsed until the pH reached 7. The fiber
then being dried at room temperature for 12 hours.
1 illustrates the flow of the impregnation process. The PLA granules were
dissolved in dichloromethane solvent with a ratio of 1:10 using a magnetic stirrer
for 2 hours at room temperature. The ramie fabric then being manually
impregnated in the PLA/dichloromethane solution. The reinforcement was
impregnated on a glass mold (impregnation bath) of 25.4 × 19.4 cm2
until the matrix was thoroughly pervaded and the excess evaporated. After that,
the resulting prepregs are taken out and covered with parchment paper, as seen
in Figure 2. Then the prepregs were rolled up, and half of the 0/90° one was stored in a
refrigerator freezer at -18°C for a week as a
preserving act.
Figure 1 Impregnation process flow
Figure 2 Prepared
2.3. Specimen preparation
3 shows the flow of RFRPLA prepreg specimen fabrication. Before undergoing a
tensile test, the fabricated prepregs were prepared into a plate specimen
through the hot-press polymerization method. The prepreg sheets made previously
were removed from the parchment paper covering, then stacked in a 25.4 × 19.4
cm2 AA 6061-T6 mold, and then hot pressed at 120°C with 132 bar pressure
for approximately 90 minutes. The composite laminate plate is then cut using
laser cutting according to the geometry of the American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) D3039 standard (ASTM, 2017). Also, some residual-cut specimens will be decomposed as
biodegradability test samples.
Figure 3 Specimen preparation flow
2.4. Characterization
2.4.1. Tensile test
Tensile tests are
carried out according to the ASTM D3039/D3039M standard. The RFRPLA specimens
were tested on the Tinius Olsen universal uniaxial testing machine at the
Metallurgy and Materials Research Center (P2MM) LIPI. The machines were
equipped with a 30 kN load cell with a 2 mm/min displacement rate. The test was
performed on four samples, consisting of a unidirectional (UD) sample, unstored
bidirectional (BD) 0/90° sample, freezer-stored BD 0/90° sample, and BD ±45° sample.
The test was also performed on 6 (six) duplicated specimens of each sample.
2.4.2. Biodegradability
The biodegradability test was carried out to see the decomposition process in the RFRPLA composite. This test is carried out by placing a small sample on the soil with actual composting conditions. The sample used was the unused cut of unstored 0/90° RFRPLA prepregs laminate plate. Those samples were used as the control sample depicts any other unstored samples. The test sample consists of two sizes, Sample A (5cm x 5cm) and Sample B (2.5 cm x 5 cm), with four duplications, respectively. The composting condition consisted of cow dung, wood shavings, and animal feed waste placed in a wooden box with a width of 0.5 m, length of 0.6 m, and height of 0.3 m. The decomposition process of the composite was measured by mass change and observed for 120 days to see changes in the shape and color of the sample.
3.1. Prepreg