• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 13, No 2 (2022)

Design Evaluation Methodology for Ships’ Out?tting Equipment by Applying Multi-criteria Analysis: Proper Choices Analysis of Ballast Water Management Systems

Design Evaluation Methodology for Ships’ Out?tting Equipment by Applying Multi-criteria Analysis: Proper Choices Analysis of Ballast Water Management Systems

Title: Design Evaluation Methodology for Ships’ Out?tting Equipment by Applying Multi-criteria Analysis: Proper Choices Analysis of Ballast Water Management Systems
Sumanta Buana, Katsuhisa Yano, Takeshi Shinoda

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Buana, S., Yano, K., Shinoda, T., 2022. Design Evaluation Methodology for Ships’ Outfitting Equipment by Applying Multi-criteria Analysis: Proper Choices Analysis of Ballast Water Management Systems. International Journal of Technology. Volume 13(2), pp. 310-320

Sumanta Buana Department of Marine Transportation Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Katsuhisa Yano Hibiki, Wakamatsu, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 808-0035, Japan
Takeshi Shinoda Department of Marine Systems Engineering, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
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Design Evaluation Methodology for Ships’ Out?tting Equipment by Applying Multi-criteria Analysis: Proper Choices Analysis of Ballast Water Management Systems

All ocean-going ships must be outfitted with adequate ballast water equipment in compliance with Regulation D-2, Section D, Standards for Ballast Water Management, International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, promoted by the International Maritime Organization. However, it is difficult to choose the appropriate equipment because the methods used to develop the equipment have similar advantages and disadvantages . Such circumstances make it difficult for two parties who have conflicting priorities, ship designers and ship owners, to choose the most suitable equipment. To address this issue, multi-criteria analysis is effective because it can simultaneously consider several criteria under evaluation as early as possible in the design stage. The aim of this paper is to propose an evaluation methodology for out?tting appropriate ballast water management system (BWMS) equipment by applying multi-criteria analysis combined with the value engineering concept. This combination can directly compare the bene?ts of function and the disbenefits of cost aspects of a particular system. Nine available methods were evaluated before their installation on ocean-going vessels with a carrying capacity of 300,000 deadweight tons (DWT). The results of the analyses show that, from a ship designer’s point of view, the most appropriate method is one that uses ozone; while, from the viewpoint of a ship owner, the most appropriate method is one that uses a combination of a filter and ultraviolet radiation. Ship designers and ship owners have di?erent opinions. A ship designer emphasizes cost reductions and profit maximization. On the other hand, a ship owner prefers to have a ship out?tted with a system that is easy to operate as well as to maintain.

Ballast water management system; Multi-criteria analysis; Ship outfitting; Value engineering


Ship out?tting, which consists of various types of processes, is one of the most important stages in designing and building a vessel. Outfitting requires equipment that must comply with the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments promoted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), which entered into force on September 8, 2017 (IMO, 2004). Ballast water is very important for ensuring the seaworthiness of non-fully-laden vessels (NRC, 1996). When a vessel o?oads its cargo, its ballast tanks are flooded with seawater for stability. The seawater is then discharged at a particular port when the vessel is reloaded with cargo (see Figure 1). However, ballast water also introduces invasive organisms, which are very dangerous to ocean health (La Carbona et al., 2010).

Figure 1 Ballasting proc

 A ballast water treatment system must be selected at an early stage of ship design because it in?uences the layout of the machinery space and increases capital cost. Each treatment method sometimes performs similarly, making it difficult for both ship owners and ship designers to choose the most appropriate equipment. To address this issue, multi-criteria analysis is effective because it can simultaneously consider several qualitative criteria under evaluation as early as possible in the design stage. However, conventional multi-criteria analysis usually ranks criteria without considering the degree of appropriateness of the results. And yet, it is important to consider the degree of appropriateness as doing so yields clear insights that can reduce the gap between the opinions of ship owners and ship designers. Thus, the aim of this paper is to propose an evaluation methodology for out?tting ut appropriate ballast water management equipment by applying multi-criteria analysis combined with a value engineering concept. The value engineering concept will be introduced in the evaluation methodology because it is considered the bene?ts of function aspect and disbenefits of cost aspects The evaluation based on the views of ship owners and ship designers/shipyard was conducted for vessels with a carrying capacity of 300,000 deadweight tons (DWT): very large crude carriers/very large ore carriers. These vessels must comply with Regulation D-2, Annex – Section D, Standards for Ballast Water Management, International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (IMO, 2004).

Table 1 Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) Method

Treatment Components

Treatment Process





Ozone injected into ballast tank will kill harmful microorganisms and produce hypobromite as a byproduct. The byproduct will be neutralized when de-ballasting is carried out.




Filter +
+ Cavitation

After filtrating plankton sized 50 m? or larger, harmful microbes will be exterminated by filling tanks with sodium hypochlorite, agitated by a venture tube. The residual chemical is then neutralized.




Filter + UV

Microbes resulting from plankton filtration through a disk-filter will be destroyed using UV.




Filter + UV + TiO2

After filtrating plankton sized 50 m? or larger, microbes will be killed using UV, supplemented with titanium dioxide. The residual chemical is neutralized when de-ballasting.




Filter + N2 gas + Cavitation
+ Electrolysis

After filtrating plankton sized 50 m? or larger, microbes are destroyed by sterilization in the cavitation unit using nitrogen gas and electrolysis.




Flocculant + Filter

Microbes are sedimented by filling tanks with flocculant and magnetic powder and are then separated from seawater by a magnetic disc.





The microbes are destroyed by sodium hypochlorite and the residual chemical is neutralized.

300 or more




Filter + CO2

After filtrating plankton sized 50 m? or larger, remaining microbes are killed using chlorine dioxide.




Filter + Hypochlorite

After filtrating plankton sized 50 m? or larger, microbes are destroyed using sodium hypochlorite. The residual chemical is then neutralized.




An evaluation methodology for out?tting BWMS equipment by applying a multi-criteria analysis method can be constructed and used to select the most appropriate system among the available methods. Each method has several con?icting aspects regarding function and cost. By applying the value engineering concept, these aspects were evaluated with respect to the bene?ts of function items and the detriments of cost items. The results of the evaluation show the degrees of appropriateness of a particular method. Because the evaluation results from two perspectives, i.e., those of the ship designer and the ship owner, were di?erent, both parties must compromise about which system to install on board an ordered vessel.


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