• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 11, No 8 (2020)

Modeling the Reliability of High-Voltage Power Transmission Lines Taking into Account the Influence of the Parameters of a Sharply Continental Climate

Modeling the Reliability of High-Voltage Power Transmission Lines Taking into Account the Influence of the Parameters of a Sharply Continental Climate

Title: Modeling the Reliability of High-Voltage Power Transmission Lines Taking into Account the Influence of the Parameters of a Sharply Continental Climate
Elena Gracheva, Muhayo Toshkhodzhaeva, Okhunbobo Rahimov, Shakhboz Dadabaev, Dilafruz Mirkhalikova, Svetlana Ilyashenko, Vladimir Frolov

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Gracheva, E., Toshkhodzhaeva, M., Rahimov, O., Dadabaev, S., Mirkhalikova, D., Ilyashenko, S., Frolov, V., 2020. Modeling the Reliability of High-Voltage Power Transmission Lines Taking into Account the Influence of the Parameters of a Sharply Continental Climate. International Journal of Technology. Volume 11(8), pp. 1557-1569

Elena Gracheva - Kazan State Power Engineering University
Muhayo Toshkhodzhaeva Khujand Polytechnic Institute of Tajik Technical University named after Academician M.S. Osimi
Okhunbobo Rahimov Khujand Polytechnic Institute of Tajik Technical University named after Academician M.S. Osimi
Shakhboz Dadabaev Khujand Polytechnic Institute of Tajik Technical University named after Academician M.S. Osimi
Dilafruz Mirkhalikova Khujand Polytechnic Institute of Tajik Technical University named after Academician M.S. Osimi
Svetlana Ilyashenko Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow 117997, Russia
Vladimir Frolov Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russia
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Modeling the Reliability of High-Voltage Power Transmission Lines Taking into Account the Influence of the Parameters of a Sharply Continental Climate

Natural factors significantly affect the reliability of overhead transmission lines (OHTLs) as the operating conditions change with a change in natural conditions. As such, OHTLs in new natural conditions should be reconstructed optimally so that the number of failures would be less than the standard value. This paper considers the optimal option for 110 kV OHTL reconstruction in a sharply continental climate. Such option should reduce the power supply interruptions without changing the permissible overall dimensions and mechanical properties of the existing OHTLs with minimal economic costs. Mathematical modeling was thus performed using the specially developed Matlab/Simulink software, and the most common types of wires for OHTLs were considered. The calculation of the expected mechanical loads under the influence of natural factors showed that all the considered options for 110 kV high-voltage power line reconstruction satisfy the specified degrees of reliability. The article presents the developed methods for analyzing the functional reliability of the power system and proposes reliability indicators and a criterion for the efficiency of the operation of the 110 kV OHTL that reflect the systemic effect of the implementation of measures for improving the reliability of such line. These indicators, in contrast to the existing ones, take into account the cumulative impact of natural and operational factors.

Electrical systems; Failure; Overhead transmission lines; Power supply, Reliability; Wires


    One of the key issues of any electrical-energy system is reliable and uninterrupted power supply to the consumers. For the proper functioning of this system, reliable operation and appropriate technological conditions of all parts of the electric networks should be ensured (Budiyanto et al., 2011; Pariaman et al., 2017; Alvi et al., 2019; Alyunov et al., 2020; Dadabaev et al., 2020; Shevchenko et al., 2020). High-voltage power lines (HVLs) are used to deliver electricity over long distances, and their functioning strongly depends on the climatic conditions of the region (Budiyanto et al., 2011; Fedotov et al., 2016; Latipov et al., 2019). HVLs located in places with a sharply continental climate (i.e., extremely  low  temperatures  in  winter,  extremely  high  temperatures  in  summer, high-speed wind, intense solar radiation, suspended particles of dust in the air) are subject to deteriorative influences. The damage of the 110 kV high-voltage lines, which are important elements of HVLs, can significantly deteriorate the lines’ reliability and can result in electricity undersupply. Several studies have been conducted to determine the reasons for HVL failure (Gracheva and Naumov, 2016; Gracheva and Naumov, 2019; Arief et al., 2018; Fomin et al., 2020). Weather factors (e.g., rain, snow, wind) are considered the main reasons for the decrease in reliability of 110 and 220 kV HVLs. As electric networks are large systems with multiple elements and multiple connections between them, a systematic approach should be used to study them. Ambient temperatures and wind cause material fatigue, which damages the constructions. Periodic kinks of wire are observed at the places of installation of the connecting and supporting clamps and vibration dampers, and cyclic lateral forces arise. The simultaneous impact of the above components leads to fatigue damage to the suspension systems. From the cyclic load, the nodes of the rigid structures that bear the maximum load are destroyed.
This paper presents the optimal option for 110 kV overhead transmission line (OHTL) reconstruction in a sharply continental climate. The characteristics of the line (sag and tension) were calculated taking into account the weather conditions. On the basis of the calculated characteristics, we give recommendations herein on the possible reconstruction of the line that will ensure reliable operation under any natural load.


When developing an optimization model for OHTLs, it is necessary to take into account operational and natural factors. In the study reported in this paper, mathematical modeling was performed using the specially developed Matlab/Simulink software. The most common types of wires for OHTL were considered. The results of the study showed that when the relief, climate, and operational factors change, the level of reliability is 95%. It was shown that the TACSR wire has the greatest reliability at the maximum temperatures; as such, its sag at the maximum temperatures was the smallest. Therefore, from the point of view of the influence of temperature on ensuring the HVL reliability, the TACSR wire is optimal. The calculation of the expected mechanical loads under the influence of natural factors showed that all the considered options for the reconstruction of the 110 kV HVLs satisfy the specified degrees of reliability.


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