• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 11, No 8 (2020)

Universal Switch for Measuring the Resistance of the Grounding Device Supports of the 110 kV Overhead Power Line

Universal Switch for Measuring the Resistance of the Grounding Device Supports of the 110 kV Overhead Power Line

Title: Universal Switch for Measuring the Resistance of the Grounding Device Supports of the 110 kV Overhead Power Line
M.V. Borodin, R.P. Belikov, N.E. Lysenko, I.V. Shabanov, A.R. Safin

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Borodin, M., Belikov, R.P., Lysenko, N.E., Shabanov, I.V., Safin, A.R., 2020. Universal Switch for Measuring of the Resistance of the Grounding Device of the Supports of the 110 kv Overhead Power Line. International Journal of Technology. Volume 11(8), pp. 1528-1536

M.V. Borodin Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Oryol State Agrarian University, Oryol, General Rodin Street, 69. 302019, Russia
R.P. Belikov Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Oryol State Agrarian University, Oryol, General Rodin Street, 69. 302019, Russia
N.E. Lysenko Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Oryol State Agrarian University, Oryol, General Rodin Street, 69. 302019, Russia
I.V. Shabanov The branch PJSC “MRSK Centre” – “Oryolenergo” (PAO “MRSK Centre” – “Oryolenergo”), Oryol, Mira Sq., 2, 302030, Russia
A.R. Safin Kazan State Power Engineering University, Kazan, Krasnoselskaya Street, 5, 1420066, Russia
Email to Corresponding Author

Universal Switch for Measuring the Resistance of the Grounding Device Supports of the 110 kV Overhead Power Line

At present the devices that use the pulse method to measure the resistance of a grounding device (GD) of the 110 kV overhead power line (OHL) supports have the following disadvantage: to do the measurements, various circuits must be assembled. This takes about 30% of the total measurement time. Moreover, there is no mathematical model to describe the process of measuring the resistance of the protective device for the 110 kV OHL supports. This is a gap in the studies aimed at increasing the efficiency of measuring the resistance of that protective device. We have developed a universal switch to reduce the time for measuring the resistance of the GD of the 110 kV OHL supports using the pulse method. The simplicity of the design of this universal switch means it can be assembled in the structural units of measurement companies. In addition, the developed universal switch can work with different measuring devices. The tests of the developed universal switch show its efficiency, and they indicate the prospects for developing it. The efficiency of the developed universal switch was determined using the developed mathematical model. When employees use the developed universal switch to measure the resistance of the PD of the 110 kV OHL supports by the pulse method, and if it is impossible or inexpedient to disconnect the lightning protection cable from the body of the support, it will take about 86 minutes to perform these measurements. This is 28% less time than if the measurements were performed without using this device.

Equipment list; Grounding device; Resistance measurement; Universal switch


According to several authors (Abdurrakhman et al., 2020; Astahov and Belikov, 2013; Kolobov et al., 2016; Nazir et al., 2016; Nizhevskij and  Nizhevskij, 2016) the devices to measure the resistance of the PD differ in their field of application, measurement ranges, circuits, noise immunity, and frequency of the measuring current, and the operation includes various measurement methods. If it is impossible or inexpedient to disconnect the lightning protection cable from the body of the support to measure the resistance of the protective device of the 110 kV OHL supports, you can use the pulse method developed at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) and the method developed at the Siberian Research Institute of Power Engineering (SibNIIE).

The method developed at SibNIIE is widely used in the power grid complex of Russia. It is based on using two potential and two current electrodes. Serial grounding testers, and the instruments from geophysical sets as well, can be used as measuring instruments when implementing the pulse method developed at SibNIIE.

Other authors (Dzhura and Selivanov, 2013; Rodrigues and Visacro, 2014; Harid et al., 2015; Kolobov et al., 2017; Junior et al., 2011) focus on the problem of increasing the accuracy and reliability of resistance measurements of the PD of OHL supports using the pulse method, but these authors do not consider the issue of reducing the number of different measurement circuits.

However, the personnel engaged in measurements spend much time assembling the circuits, which is a great disadvantage of that method.

At present more than 20 companies around the world offer modern measuring devices, which use the pulse method to measure the resistance of the protective devices of the 110 kV OHL supports, but they have the following disadvantages: to use these devices, personnel must assemble various circuits to perform the measurements. This takes about 30% of the total measurement time.

This situation takes place because there is no universal device that allows switching between measurement circuits. Therefore, an urgent task should be to develop a device that allows switching between circuits to measure the resistance of the 110 kV OHL supports. However, the organizations that measure the resistance of the PD of the 110 kV OHP supports already have devices that allow them to perform the measurements. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a universal device that could fit different measuring devices.

We conducted a patent analysis, reviewed the existing ready-made and developed devices and complexes that measure the resistance of grounding devices, searched through scientific journals and on the Internet for devices that reduce the assembly time of various circuits. We found no result, as there are no such devices that allow switching between circuits.

Also, in the literature there are no data on the number of times each year that the resistance of 110 kV OHL supports must be measured using the pulse method if it is impossible or inexpedient to disconnect the lightning protection cable from the body of the support.

 The study of such data would allow scientists and specialists to predict the technical condition of 110 kV OHL supports and justify the use of new devices to make the measurement of 110 kV OHL more efficient and economical.

Studying the writings (Gracheva and Naumov, 2019; Koliushko and Rudenko, 2019; Kosyakov et al., 2019; Vinogradov et al., 2020), we discovered that there is no mathematical model to describe the process of measuring the resistance of the protective device of the 110 kV OHL supports. This is a gap in the research that aims to increase the efficiency of resistance measuring of those protective devices.

Therefore, the process of measuring the resistance of the 110 kV OHL supports when using the pulse method must be optimized by developing a universal switching device, while its efficiency must be determined by a mathematical model that describes the time process of measuring.

        To correct the disadvantages described in the “Method” section, we analyzed a number of ways to measure the resistance of the GD of 110 kV OHL supports, and we developed a mathematical model to describe the measurement process. In that section, we also show how the developed universal switch reduces the time needed to measure GD resistance of 110 kV OHL supports when using the pulse method if it is impossible or inexpedient to disconnect the lightning protection cable from the body of the support (hereafter “without disconnecting the lightning protection cable from the support”). We submit the results of the tests of the proposed universal switch in Section 3, “Results and Discussion” Then we make a conclusion about the results of the study in Section 4, “Conclusions”.


The ability to measure the grounding resistance of the 110 kV OHL supports quickly and according to high quality standards without disconnecting the lightning protection cable enables us to consider the developed universal switch as an important, useful, and highly reliable technical improvement.

Using the device described in this article will allow companies that measure resistance to reduce the time needed to measure the resistance of the 110 kV OHL supports using the pulse method if it is impossible or inexpedient to disconnect the lightning protection cable from the body. This will allow them to perform more measurements and reduce their operating costs.

The tests of the developed universal switch show its effectiveness, and they indicate the prospects of this development.

The simplicity of the design of the universal switch allows it to be assembled in the structural divisions of measurement companies. The assembly can be performed by personnel with less qualifications than those who conduct the measurements. The electrical devices needed to assemble the universal switch are freely available, and the developed universal switch can work with different measuring devices.


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