• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 11, No 6 (2020)

Information Analysis Support for Decision-Making in Scientific and Technological Development

Information Analysis Support for Decision-Making in Scientific and Technological Development

Title: Information Analysis Support for Decision-Making in Scientific and Technological Development
Boris Onykiy, Evgeniy Antonov, Alexey Artamonov, Evgeny Tretyakov

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Onykiy, B., Antonov, E., Artamonov, A., Tretyakov, E., 2020. Information Analysis Support for Decision-Making in Scientific and Technological Development. International Journal of Technology. Volume 11(6), pp. 1125-1135

Boris Onykiy Department of Analysis of Competitive Systems, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Kashirskoe hwy, 31, Moscow, 115409, Russian Federation
Evgeniy Antonov Laboratory of Advanced Storage and Processing Systems for Ultra Large Data, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Stremyanny lane 36, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
Alexey Artamonov Department of Analysis of Competitive Systems, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Kashirskoe hwy, 31, Moscow, 115409, Russian Federation
Evgeny Tretyakov Laboratory of Advanced Storage and Processing Systems for Ultra Large Data, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Stremyanny lane 36, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
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Information Analysis Support for Decision-Making in Scientific and Technological Development

This paper presents the development of an information and analytical system to foster scientific and technological development in a given scientific field. In this work, the main software tools for implementing distributed computing, which involves a set of software components for collecting, processing, and analyzing large amounts of data, are considered. In addition, various approaches for task coordination between different sets of software are discussed and techniques for storing large amounts of data are described. The system architecture and database schema are designed and tested. Nowadays, the intellectualization of individual software agents is a key aspect of a new generation of multiagent systems. For this reason, this paper develops an approach that can organize activities of a large number of software agents to increase system intellectualization through swarm intelligence at the level of individual agents. Three remote servers were used to build and test the system deployment, comprising such components as a platform for monitoring and scheduling workflow, data storage, and a graphical user interface that enables data retrieval and interaction on the Internet.

Apache airflow; Data collection; Data storing; Distributed computing; Multiagent system


In the process of viable decision-making in scientific and technological development, a synoptic view is required regarding the current state of the specific areas of concern and the trends of modern development. In the course of performing search operations, an analyst has to interact with various sources of information, mostly located on the Internet (Berawi, 2018b). The conditions for a quick search in a short period of time determine the impossibility of performing the corresponding work in manual mode, as, in this case, aggregating a large number of unrelated information sources is necessary (Kulik, 2015; Inkina et al., 2019). In this regard, automation is needed in the processes of searching, collecting, and aggregating information (Berawi, 2018a).

In this paper, the automation of data collection and processing is achieved by developing a multiagent system (MAS). In general, an agent in information technology (a software agent)  is  a computer program  that is  activated on  schedule or  by request with some autonomy to perform specific tasks (Ananieva et al., 2015; Onykiy et al., 2017).

In contrast with the classical method of problem-solving (searching for a deterministic algorithm that allows the best solution to be found), in multiagent technologies, the solution is obtained as a result of the interaction among many independent targeted software agents. A review of domestic and foreign manuscripts shows the relevance of an automated data-based decision-making information system and software, and the intellectualization of an individual software agent is a key aspect of a new generation of MAS. For this reason, modern approaches for storing and analyzing large amounts of data are set forth here to consider a software-based solution for agent interaction in the distribution of data-collection and -processing tasks. Furthermore, this method aims to take into account the possibility of increasing each software agent’s intellectualization.


This paper considers the approach of processing data from various Internet resources in a specific field by considering the increasing volume of data in time. At this stage, the approach can be used as a data collection and analytical tool to provide superior information on a given subject (for example, for understanding customer experiences and how consumer behavior has changed over time). Furthermore, using the approach, we can organize the activities of a large number of software agents, thus increasing system intellectualization with swarm intelligence at the level of individual agents.

The developed system for information and analytical support uses distributed capacities to solve the task. The system is scalable, to improve performance and reduce workflow execution time, and it is possible to set workers using additional capacity. Elasticsearch can be scaled horizontally as well. The architecture and the database schema have been designed and tested. To collect the data from other information sources on the Internet, the DAG is added with the parameters for extracting data. Up-to-date data will be displayed and taken into account in the Dashboard and in the GUI.

In addition, at this stage of development of the MAS, we have collected the keywords that represent the Big Data technology field. The next step of the work is to improve the approach with an automated search of relevant articles on the Internet. The collected data will be used for prediction analysis to make a list of contemporary references in a specific area for understanding the current state of technological development.


    The study was carried out at the expense of the Russian Science Foundation grant (project No. 19-71-30008, 2019).


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