• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 13, No 4 (2022)

The Effect of Information Technology, Competence, and Commitment to Service Quality and Implication on Customer Satisfaction

The Effect of Information Technology, Competence, and Commitment to Service Quality and Implication on Customer Satisfaction

Title: The Effect of Information Technology, Competence, and Commitment to Service Quality and Implication on Customer Satisfaction
Evan Nugraha, Rini Mulyani Sari, Sutarman, Arif Yunan, Asep Kurniawan

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Nugraha, E., Sari, R.M., Sutarman, Yunan, A., Kurniawan, A., 2022. The Effect of Information Technology, Competence, and Commitment to Service Quality and Implication on Customer Satisfaction. International Journal of Technology. Volume 13(4), pp. 827-836

Evan Nugraha Industrial Engineering, Muhammadiyah Bandung University, Soekarno-Hatta No.752, Cipadung Kidul, Panyileukan, Bandung City, West Java 40614, Indonesia
Rini Mulyani Sari Management, Jenderal Achmad Yani University, Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cibeber, South Cimahi., Cimahi, City, West Java 40531, Indonesia
Sutarman Industrial Engineering, Pasundan University, Dr. Setiabudi No.193, Gegerkalong,. Sukasari, Bandung City, West Java 40153, Indonesia
Arif Yunan Industrial Engineering, Muhammadiyah Bandung University, Soekarno-Hatta No.752, Cipadung Kidul, Panyileukan, Bandung City, West Java 40614, Indonesia
Asep Kurniawan Management, Jenderal Achmad Yani University, Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cibeber, South Cimahi., Cimahi City, West Java 40531, Indonesia
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The Effect of Information Technology, Competence, and Commitment to Service Quality and Implication on Customer Satisfaction

The use of information technology to support the various needs and development of organizations, individuals, and companies will undoubtedly bring something positive. With the assistance of information technology, the company's performance will be excellent. Moreover, the excellent performance also necessitates organizational commitment.  A strong commitment will enhance the quality of the company's products or services. Hence, improving service quality is the first step toward increasing customer satisfaction. Based on this phenomenon, the independent variables in this study are information technology, competence, and commitment, with service quality representing an independent variable and customer satisfaction representing an intervening variable.  The object study of this research is permanent employees at PT. ADM in Tasikmalaya. This research uses quantitative with explanatory research methods. According to the results of a study, information technology (X1), competence (X2), and commitment (X3) all have a significant effect on service quality (Y) and its implications for customer satisfaction (Z).

Explanatory research method; Quantitative method; Service quality


Every company must be able to create products and services that can capture consumers' attention as well as their needs and desires, resulting in a mutually beneficial exchange between the consumer and the producer. The potential benefits of information technology will undoubtedly receive widespread public support. Information technology is a set of tools that help you work with information and perform tasks related to information processing (Suharno, 2017; Gureja, 2013; GMAT, 2017; GMAT, 2020, ITL, 2012, Rajaraman, 2018; Ciampa and Reverls, 2012). Moreover, employee performance will be high with the support of information technology. Job performance refers to how individuals perform their duties in terms of the expected quantity and quality of their jobs. It has been defined as the overall expected value from employees’ behaviors throughout a set period. Employee performance is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties according to his responsibilities (Robbins, 2010; Frick, 2019; Spotts, 2014; Diesselkamp, 2013). Furthermore, with high performance, it can maintain organizational commitment. In organizational commitment, the employee feels attached to the organization, so they go beyond their jobs and put extra effort into the organization's success. Employees will be committed to the organization if they are satisfied with their job. Employers must focus on factors contributing to these attitudes as satisfied and engaged employees majorly contribute to an organization's success (Smith et. al., 2012; Baron et al., 2018, Kossman, 2017; Firth, 2020). A strong commitment will impact the quality of the company's products or services (Naruetharadhol et al., 2021; Fox, 2013; Zuna et al., 2016; Purba, et. al., 2017, Thaithatkul, et. al., 2021). Definitions of service quality revolve around the idea that it is the result of the comparison that customers make between their expectations about service and their perception of the way the service has been performed (Lewis & Booms, 1983; Jongen et. al., 2017). According to (Masudin et al., 2018; Zuna et al., 2016); Johnson, 2017; Mok et al., 2013; Kuri, 2017; Nguyen & Dornberger, 2016; Khosrow-Pour, 2018), customer satisfaction is an attitude that is decided based on the experience gained. Satisfaction is an assessment of the characteristics or features of the product, service, or the product itself, which provides the level of consumer pleasure related to fulfilling consumption needs. Consumer satisfaction can be created through quality, service, and value. In fact, consumer satisfaction is challenging to attain; it necessitates a lengthy process, one of which is providing high-quality service and products to customers. In addition, consumer satisfaction is also influenced by good service quality from producers to consumers. With a growth in sales, the company could win the competition because it can attract consumers' attention to the products offered; this is inextricably linked to a company's marketing activities, including product and service quality. As a result, it is necessary to establish a correlation between information technology, competence, and commitment to service quality and the implications for customer satisfaction.


The results of the hypothesis are as follows: 1). There is a significant influence of information technology, competence and commitment simultaneously on service quality. In this case, the influence of information technology is the more dominant influence on service quality; 2). The quality of service (Y) is influenced by the variables information technology (X1), competence (X2), and commitment (X3) (Y); 3). Service quality (Y) influences customer satisfaction (Z). It means that each study variable has a statistically significant effect. According to the results of this study, information technology has played an important role and contributed to the company. Therefore, companies can fully utilize information technology.


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