• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 7, No 7 (2016)

A Correlation of Traffic Accident Fatalities, Speed Enforcement and the Gross National Income of Thailand and its Cross-border Countries

A Correlation of Traffic Accident Fatalities, Speed Enforcement and the Gross National Income of Thailand and its Cross-border Countries

Title: A Correlation of Traffic Accident Fatalities, Speed Enforcement and the Gross National Income of Thailand and its Cross-border Countries
Jetsada Kumphong, Thaned Satiennam, Wichuda Satiennam

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Published at : 29 Dec 2016
Volume : IJtech Vol 7, No 7 (2016)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.14716/ijtech.v7i7.4706

Cite this article as:
Kumphong, J., Satiennam, T., Satiennam, W., 2016. A Correlation of Traffic Accident Fatalities, Speed Enforcement and the Gross National Income of Thailand and its Cross-border Countries. International Journal of Technology, Volume 7(7), pp. 1141-1146

Jetsada Kumphong Sustainable Infrastructure Research and Development Center (SIRDC), Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, 40002, Thailand
Thaned Satiennam Sustainable Infrastructure Research and Development Center (SIRDC), Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, 40002, Thailand
Wichuda Satiennam Sustainable Infrastructure Research and Development Center (SIRDC), Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, 40002, Thailand
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A Correlation of Traffic Accident Fatalities, Speed Enforcement and the Gross National Income of Thailand and its Cross-border Countries

Currently, the ASEAN Community has opened and this has resulted in the expansion of the road network between member countries, making it more convenient to drive crossing the border. However, the difference in laws relating to the speed limits and their enforcement may result in drivers unknowingly violating the laws in each country, leading to an increased risk of accidents. This research aims to determine the statistical correlation between the traffic accident fatalities, the enforcement of speed limits with the gross national incomes of Thailand and its cross-border countries. Linear and non-linear regression analyses were applied to develop models explaining their correlations at 95% confidence level. The results indicated that those countries with higher efficiency in enforcement on speeding laws and greater gross national income have a lower rate of traffic accident fatalities. The results of this study are useful for responsible agencies to determine the required traffic safety strategies in order to reduce the number of traffic accidents within ASEAN countries.

Gross national income; Traffic accident fatality; Speed enforcement