• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 4, No 1 (2013)

Biomedical Engineering And Its Potential For Employment in Indonesia

Biomedical Engineering And Its Potential For Employment in Indonesia

Title: Biomedical Engineering And Its Potential For Employment in Indonesia
Maria Elfani, Narendra Kurnia Putra

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Published at : 17 Jan 2014
Volume : IJtech Vol 4, No 1 (2013)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.14716/ijtech.v4i1.104

Cite this article as:
Elfani, M., Putra, N.K., 2013. Biomedical Engineering And Its Potential For Employment in Indonesia. International Journal of Technology. Volume 4(1), pp. 34-44

Maria Elfani Institute for the Study of European Transformations, London Metropolitan University
Narendra Kurnia Putra Biomedical Engineering, Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London
Email to Corresponding Author

Biomedical Engineering And Its Potential For Employment in Indonesia

 Indonesia, as cited by the World Health Organization (WHO), is still listed as one of the countries who spend less of its GDP on health services, despite the urgent need to overcome the high rate of medical cases in several diseases. In order to develop its health and medical services, innovation in health technology has already been implemented through modern medical instrumentation and devices. Consequently, the biomedical engineering field is urgently needed, as its role is also comprised as being one of the most important areas in the National Strategy Policy of Science and Technology (Kebijakan Strategis Pembangunan Nasional IPTEK). The aim of this paper is to present the potential of biomedical engineering to create job in Indonesia. This paper presents the statistical analysis of the latest biomedical engineering employment figures in Indonesia and finds a relatively low number of medical technicians using a comparative analysis from the government standards and country counterparts: the United Kingdom (UK), Japan and Malaysia. This paper concludes that in the future, along with the development of biomedical engineering in Indonesia, there will be a significant increase of biomedical engineering jobs in hospital, industry and academia. This paper also concludes that significant job creation is likely to occur with biomedical engineers as highly skilled professions, in other words, more engineers with advanced qualifications are required to fulfil the future needs in health and medical expertise field.

Biomedical Engineering, Employment, Indonesia, Jobs Creation


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