• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 4, No 1 (2013)

Integrating Quality Management And Value Management Methods: Creating Value Added For Building Projects

Integrating Quality Management And Value Management Methods: Creating Value Added For Building Projects

Title: Integrating Quality Management And Value Management Methods: Creating Value Added For Building Projects
Mohammed Ali Berawi, Bambang Susantono, Hamzah Abdul-Rahman, Mustika Sari, Sesmiwati , Herawati Zetha Rahman

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Published at : 17 Jan 2014
Volume : IJtech Vol 4, No 1 (2013)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.14716/ijtech.v4i1.101

Cite this article as:
Berawi, M.A., Susantono, B., Abdul-Rahman, H., Sari, M., Sesmiwati, Rahman, H.Z., 2013. Integrating Quality Management And Value Management Methods: Creating Value Added For Building Projects. International Journal of Technology. Volume 4(1), pp. 45-55

Mohammed Ali Berawi Integrated Design & Technology (ID-Tech) Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Bambang Susantono Integrated Design & Technology (ID-Tech) Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Hamzah Abdul-Rahman Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Mustika Sari Integrated Design & Technology (ID-Tech) Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Sesmiwati Integrated Design & Technology (ID-Tech) Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Herawati Zetha Rahman Integrated Design & Technology (ID-Tech) Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
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Integrating Quality Management And Value Management Methods: Creating Value Added For Building Projects

The construction industry has a vast impact on the environment and the economy. Construction project performance requires a focus on increasing the resource efficiency and reducing the impact on the environment during the construction lifecycle. This on-going research is addressed towards the need of improving construction project performance by creating added-value for building projects using quality management (QM) and value management (VM) approaches. This research employs a quantitative approach through a questionnaire survey distributed to construction industry stakeholders. The questionnaire consists of three parts of discussion including identification of critical success factors and barriers that exist typically at each construction stage in building projects, plus identification of additional functions in building projects, and total investment cost for building projects. As the significant findings indicate, this research evaluates how the understanding of quality and its perceived processes plus how the identification of additional functions can be applied to deliver efficiency and more added-value in building construction projects e.g. Energy Efficient Buildings.

Building Projects, Energy Efficiency, Innovation, Quality Management, Value Management


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