• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 9, No 1 (2018)

Design of a Prototype Photoreactor UV-LEDs for Radiation Vulcanization of Natural Rubber Latex

Design of a Prototype Photoreactor UV-LEDs for Radiation Vulcanization of Natural Rubber Latex

Title: Design of a Prototype Photoreactor UV-LEDs for Radiation Vulcanization of Natural Rubber Latex
Cahya Widiyati, Herry Poernomo

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Published at : 27 Jan 2018
Volume : IJtech Vol 9, No 1 (2018)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.14716/ijtech.v9i1.1164

Cite this article as:
Widiyati, C., Poernomo, H., 2018. Design of a Prototype Photoreactor UV-LEDs for Radiation Vulcanization of Natural Rubber Latex. International Journal of Technology. Volume 9(1), pp. 130-141

Cahya Widiyati ATK Polytechnic, Ministry of Industry
Herry Poernomo National Nuclear Energy Agency
Email to Corresponding Author

Design of a Prototype Photoreactor UV-LEDs for Radiation Vulcanization of Natural Rubber Latex

The land area and production of rubber on smallholder rubber plantations contribute to about 85% and 81% of national rubber production, respectively. Based on this, having technology to utilize vulcanized natural rubber latex (NRL) in a way that is simple, inexpensive, energy-saving, environmentally friendly, and according to the quality standards of the processing of NRL is important. The purpose of the current research is to design of a prototype photoreactor ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) for the vulcanization of NRL that is irradiated (VNRLI) to produce NRL-irradiated free carcinogens and protein allergens. The methodology used is the technological development of a prototype photoreactor with an UV-mercury irradiator that located in a vertical cylindrical glass column with the capacity of VNRLI about 249.2 tons/year. The development of technologies applied to increase the capacity of VNRLI by enlarging the area of thin NRL films to be irradiated with UV-A rays derived from UV-LED irradiators that are more energy-efficient, long-life, and environmentally friendly than UV-mercury irradiators. The results allowed for the design of a prototype photoreactor UV-LEDs to process feed NRL with the capacity VNRLI about 522 tons/year. The UV-LED photoreactor prototype design results show that the UV-LED photoreactor prototype is ready to test the VNRLI process function that can produce NRL- irradiated free carcinogen and protein allergens.

Irradiator; Natural rubber latex; Photoreactor; UV-LEDs; Vulcanization


From the design of UV-LED photoreactor prototypes, it can be concluded that UV-LED photoreactor prototypes can be tested for the VNRLI process to obtain irradiated NRL-free carcinogens and proteins allergen. Furthermore NRL-free carcinogens and proteins allergen can be used as raw material for the manufacturing of medical devices such as elastic bandages, medical bandages, surgical gloves, bactericidal plaster, catheters, condoms, nipples, mattresses, and pillows.


We greatly appreciatethe research grants from the National Innovation System Research Incentive 2015(RT-2015-0427) of the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education.


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