• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 8, No 8 (2017)

Thermal Conductivity of Carbon/Basal Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Composites

Thermal Conductivity of Carbon/Basal Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Composites

Title: Thermal Conductivity of Carbon/Basal Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Composites
I.D.G Ary Subagia, I Ketut Gede Sugita, I Ketut Gede Wirawan, Ni Made Dwidiani, Ahmad Herman Yuwono

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Published at : 27 Dec 2017
Volume : IJtech Vol 8, No 8 (2017)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.14716/ijtech.v8i8.701

Cite this article as:
Subagia, I.D.G.A., Sugita, I.K.G., Wirawan, I.K.G., Dwidiani, N.M., Yuwono, A.H., 2017. Thermal Conductivity of Carbon/Basal Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Composites . International Journal of Technology. Volume 8(8), pp.1498-1506

I.D.G Ary Subagia - Mechanical Enginering, Udayana University, Badung, Bali
I Ketut Gede Sugita Mechanical Engineering, Udayana University
I Ketut Gede Wirawan Mechanical Engineering, Udayana University
Ni Made Dwidiani Mechanical Engineering, Udayana University
Ahmad Herman Yuwono Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Universities Indonesia,
Email to Corresponding Author

Thermal Conductivity of Carbon/Basal Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Composites

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the thermal conductivity of carbon/basalt fiber reinforced hybrid composite structures based on stacking sequences. The paper also investigates the thermal impedance of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) and basalt fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) with increased thickness. Research involved processing hybrid composite by using injection moulding. The weight ratios of fibers to polymers was 60%: 40%. Testing was conducted using the ASTM D 5470 standard test method. Results show that the stacking sequences of carbon/basalt fibers have a significant impact on thermal conductivity. Hybrid composite with the stacking sequence mode C3B4C3 has the lowest thermal conductivity at 0.187 W/mK, and the highest thermal impedance of 0.0052 m2K/W. The highest thermal impedance of BFRP is at 0.007 m2K/W with 2.5 mm thickness. In CFRP, the highest thermal impedance is achieved by 3.4 mm thickness with 0.005 m2K/W. Results therefore show that carbon/basalt/epoxy hybrid composites are good insulators, since thermal conductivity is less than 0.42 W/moK standard.

Hybrid composite; Isolation; Stacking sequence; Thermal conductivity; Thermal impedance


The results show that the stacking sequences of carbon/basalt fibers have a significant impact on thermal conductivity. Hybrid composites with the stacking sequence mode C3B4C3 exhibit the lowest thermal conductivity at 0.187 W/mK, and the highest thermal impedance at 0.0052 m2K/W. The highest thermal impedance in BFRP is 0.007 m2K / W with 2.5 mm thicknesses. In CFRP, the highest thermal impedance is achieved by 3.4 mm thicknesses with 0.005 m2K/W. It is subsequently shown that carbon/basalt/epoxy hybrid composites operate as good insulators, because the thermal conductivity is smaller than the 0.42 W/moK standard. It can be concluded that stacking sequences in carbon/basalt/epoxy hybrid composite laminates is an effective way to modify the thermal conductivity of composite materials in engineering products. Moreover, basalt fiber has a higher temperature stability than carbon fiber. Basalt fiber is therefore an excellent insulating material. Furthemore, it can be concluded that temperature is an effective influence on material structure. However, material structures cannot change when temperatures are lower than melting temperatures.


The author grateful to the Republic of Indonesia, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education for funding this research project (contract number: 415.56/UN14.4.A/PL/2017). The author would also like to extend thanks to USAID and the EPI-UNET program who have supported the realization of this paper.


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