• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 9, No 4 (2018)

Cross-Party Collaboration to Reduce Construction Waste to Design-Build Projects

Cross-Party Collaboration to Reduce Construction Waste to Design-Build Projects

Title: Cross-Party Collaboration to Reduce Construction Waste to Design-Build Projects
Afrizal Nursin, Yusuf Latief, Krishna Muchtar

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Published at : 25 Jul 2018
Volume : IJtech Vol 9, No 4 (2018)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.14716/ijtech.v9i4.1819

Cite this article as:
Nursin, A., Latief, Y., Muchtar, K., Soeparto H.G., 2018. Cross-Party Collaboration to Reduce Construction Waste to Design-Build Projects. International Journal of Technology. Volume 9(4), pp. 751-765

Afrizal Nursin - Engineering Faculty,University of Indonesia
Yusuf Latief Engineering Faculty University of Indonesia
Krishna Muchtar Engineering Faculty University of Indonesia
Email to Corresponding Author

Cross-Party Collaboration to Reduce Construction Waste to Design-Build Projects

Waste in the construction industry is a severe problem in various countries in the world, including in Indonesia. Several studies on construction projects over the last three years have found that the Construction Waste (CW) tendency has increased significantly. The objective of this study is to identify existing CW in design-build project and how it can be reduced by increasing collaboration between the stakeholders involved in such projects. The survey method is used to explore and find solutions to the CW problems, and to reduce it by increasing collaboration. Data were obtained from 127 respondents working on a design-build construction project, then processed by using the SEM-PLS 3.0 Professional program to estimate the causal-predictive relationships between stakeholder, culture, communication, conflict, and the collaborative variables that affect the reduction in construction waste on design-build project. A collaborative model between the parties implemented by managing those involved, understanding the culture, minimizing conflict and improving communication, can reduce both physical waste and non-physical construction waste.

Collaboration; Conflict; Construction waste; Design-build


Collaboration involves parties with various interests working together to achieve the desired outcome with the ultimate goal of mutual satisfaction. In the interests of the parties, there is an interest, where the explanation of interest is what is cared for or desired by each party. Many names or titles know collaboration. Some popular names include "problem solving", "consensus", "desire-based negotiation", "win/win", "mutual benefit", and "principled negotiation".  (Fisher et al., 1991;  Burgess & Burgess, 1997). The purpose of the collaboration is to manage cooperation in a multi-stakeholder, more constructive activity, where the outcome fosters effective communication in problem-solving and enhances relationships among the parties (Coser, 1956). Collaboration is everywhere its presence in our lives is a permanent feature of modern society; Work is always social in the sense that objects and subjects, end and understood, reason and need, application and ability, are form of social mediation (Harshada et al., 2011).

One of the recommendations presented by Berawi (2017) to improve infrastructure development strategies and programs, is to enhance the role of universities in collaborating with governments and industry to strengthen planning and development of infrastructure and connectivity programs. This means that in the future the problem of collaboration in infrastructure development is fundamental (Berawi, 2017).

In this paper, the collaboration is aimed at reducing Construction Waste (CW) which is a crucial issue in the construction industry environment. CW is considered at an early stage of the project, by all parties involved in the development process (Poon, 2007). A simplified approach emerging in controlling CWs is to use environmentally friendly construction methods. That aim to reduce waste generation during construction stages, such as using panel systems, applying prefabricated components and reducing the use of natural materials  (Peng et al., 1997). Support for cutting CW is one of the best and most efficient methods to minimize its growth and eliminate many of its associated problems. Therefore, in construction projects with uncertain, a high degree of confidence and collaboration can lead to increased efficiency (Kadefors, 2004).

The various aspects of residential construction, design, use, and destruction can have a significant impact on the environment. Sustainable development is impossible without sustainable buildings and housing. Cultural issues of the sections to consider in the process, as explained that sustainable housing development can be understood on ecological, economic, technological, cultural and social sustainability (Bakar et al., 2011).

The problem and research question for this study are: what collaboration between the parties can be applied to the Designed Build project to reduce CW?

In detail there are four questions to be studied, namely:

a)      RQ1: What is the platform for creating collaboration of parties on the Design-Build project?

b)      RQ2: What is the significance of various stakeholders in the Design-Build project?

c)      RQ3: Do communication and conflict affect the implementation of collaboration?

d)      RQ4: Does the collaboration model affect the reduction of construction waste?


From the results of the discussion, it can be concluded several things as follows: (1) The primary foundation for creating successful stakeholder collaboration on the Designed-Build project consists of how to manage stakeholders, recognize and understand the cultural dimensions of both ethnic and corporate culture, understand conflict management and resolve conflicts when they occur, and maintain effective communication and tailored to the needs of the Design-Build project; (2) The importance of stakeholders in the case of the Design-Build project, judging by the conditions under which stakeholders deeply influence the culture that enables them to facilitate collaborative design-build projects.. Then to the stakeholders or parties involved in the Design Plan project is very prominent on communication and conflict, communication management related to the Design-Build project is very helpful in facilitating the flow of communication between the parties so that errors in communication can be minimized. The potential for conflict of stakeholders is very significant, therefore in the design project need to be wary of the conflict, so that the management of stakeholders is essential in the project Design-Build; (3) Communication and conflict affect the implementation of collaboration, where culture affects communication and conflict. Thus the potential for conflict in the collaboration of cultural background both ethnic culture and corporate culture can be avoided maximally; and (4) Collaboration model influences the reduction of construction waste, both physical construction waste and non-physical construction waste. The influence is very significant indicated by the statistic value of t = 9.817 for physical construction waste and t = 9.341 for non-physical construction waste.


The authors would like to thank the financial support provided by University of Indonesia through the PITTA 2017 funding scheme under Grant number 861/UN2.R3.1/HKP.05.00/2017 Managed by the Directorate for Research and Public Services (DRPM) University of Indonesia.


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