• International Journal of Technology (IJTech)
  • Vol 8, No 3 (2017)

A Novel Method for Moments of Inertia Tuning for Free-flying Dynamically Similar Models via Simulated Annealing

A Novel Method for Moments of Inertia Tuning for Free-flying Dynamically Similar Models via Simulated Annealing

Title: A Novel Method for Moments of Inertia Tuning for Free-flying Dynamically Similar Models via Simulated Annealing
Ali Shakoori, Alexander Vladimirovich Betin, Denis Alexandrovich Betin, Mahdi Mortazavi

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Published at : 29 Apr 2017
Volume : IJtech Vol 8, No 3 (2017)
DOI : https://doi.org/10.14716/ijtech.v8i3.2058

Cite this article as:
Shakoori, A., Betin, A.V., & Betin, D.A.& Mortazavi, M., 2017. A Novel Method for Moments of Inertia Tuning for Free-flying Dynamically Similar Models via Simulated Annealing. International Journal of Technology, Volume 8(3), pp. 376-386

Ali Shakoori Faculty of Aircraft, National Aerospace University (KhAI)
Alexander Vladimirovich Betin Faculty of Aircraft, National Aerospace University (KhAI)
Denis Alexandrovich Betin Faculty of Rocket, National Aerospace University (KhAI)
Mahdi Mortazavi Aerospace Department, Amirkabir University of Technology
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A Novel Method for Moments of Inertia Tuning for Free-flying Dynamically Similar Models via Simulated Annealing

In this study, a method was developed for tuning moments of inertia for a free-flying dynamically similar/scaled model of an aircraft. For this method, the simulated annealing optimization algorithm was used to obtain similar mass-inertial properties of the model and the full-scale aircraft utilizing ballast weights. For a scaled model of a Su-27 fighter, the ballast arrangement were designed and weights were determined to achieve the required center of gravity position and the moments of inertia based on the similitude requirements. A computer code was developed, and the task of tuning inertia properties was performed. The results showed that the proposed optimization approach was successfully used to determine a feasible ballast weight and position. Moreover, the ballast weight reduced from 8.66 kg to 4.86 kg using the proposed technique, and the inertia characteristics’ non-similarity was minimized.

Dynamically similar/scaled model; Moments of inertia; Optimization; Simulated annealing; Tuning